blob: f69ab852556b5f2a8b925c48d3f402a5e0120538 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Task for running a shell command."""
load(":fuchsia_task.bzl", "fuchsia_task_rule")
def shell_task_rule(*, implementation, attrs = {}, **kwargs):
def _shell_task_impl(ctx, make_fuchsia_task):
def _make_shell_task(command = [], runfiles = []):
executable, arguments = (command[0], command[1:]) if command else (None, [])
if type(executable) == "Target":
command = [
] + arguments
return make_fuchsia_task(ctx.attr._shell_task_runner, command, runfiles = runfiles)
return implementation(ctx, _make_shell_task)
return fuchsia_task_rule(
implementation = _shell_task_impl,
attrs = dict(attrs, **{
# TODO(chandarren): Support regex capture-and-export stdout as workflow state.
# "capture_state": attr.string_dict(
# doc = "Export environment variables (name keys) as matched captured stdout (regex values).",
# ),
"_shell_task_runner": attr.label(
doc = "The task runner used to run shell tasks.",
default = "//fuchsia/tools:fuchsia_shell_task",
executable = True,
cfg = "exec",
def _fuchsia_shell_task_impl(ctx, make_shell_task):
return make_shell_task([ctx.attr.executable] if ctx.attr.executable else [])
__fuchsia_shell_task, _fuchsia_shell_task_for_test, _fuchsia_shell_task = shell_task_rule(
doc = """Task for running a shell command.""",
implementation = _fuchsia_shell_task_impl,
attrs = {
"executable": attr.label(
doc = "Specify a bazel target as the shell executable.",
def fuchsia_shell_task(
command = None,
target = None,
arguments = [],
"""Creates a shell task.
command: The command to execute. May be a string or list of strings.
Mutually exclusive with `target` and `arguments`.
target: Optionally specify a bazel target as the executable.
Mutually exclusive with `command`.
arguments: A list of command line arguments to pass to `command`.
Not allowed if `command` is a list.
**kwargs: Additional arguments to forward to the base task rule.
if bool(command) == bool(target):
fail("Argument `command` is mutually exclusive with argument `target`.")
if type(command) == "list" and arguments:
fail("Please append any arguments to `command`.")
arguments = (command or []) + arguments,
executable = target,