blob: fcf044cb83a46c19504f6c9c76cad171edccf4cd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""ffx product-bundle get invokation as a workflow task."""
load(":providers.bzl", "FuchsiaProductBundleInfo")
load(":fuchsia_task_ffx.bzl", "ffx_task_rule")
load(":utils.bzl", "full_product_bundle_url")
def _fuchsia_task_fetch_product_bundle_impl(ctx, _make_ffx_task):
pb_info = ctx.attr.product_bundle[FuchsiaProductBundleInfo]
if not pb_info.is_remote:
fail("Local product bundles do not need to be fetched.")
args = [
full_product_bundle_url(ctx, pb_info),
if pb_info.repository:
if ctx.attr.force_repository_creation:
return _make_ffx_task(
prepend_args = args,
) = ffx_task_rule(
doc = """Fetches a remote product bundle.""",
implementation = _fuchsia_task_fetch_product_bundle_impl,
attrs = {
"product_bundle": attr.label(
doc = "Product bundle to fetch.",
providers = [[FuchsiaProductBundleInfo]],
mandatory = True,
"force_repository_creation": attr.bool(
doc = """If True, will pass --force-repo causing forcing the package
repository creation even if it already exists.
default = True,
def _fuchsia_task_remove_product_bundle_impl(ctx, _make_ffx_task):
pb_info = ctx.attr.product_bundle[FuchsiaProductBundleInfo]
args = [
full_product_bundle_url(ctx, pb_info),
return _make_ffx_task(
prepend_args = args,
) = ffx_task_rule(
doc = """Removes a downloaded product bundle.""",
implementation = _fuchsia_task_remove_product_bundle_impl,
attrs = {
"product_bundle": attr.label(
doc = "Product bundle to fetch.",
providers = [[FuchsiaProductBundleInfo]],
mandatory = True,