blob: be15ee74b81b5443965e7f3e717bcc7f4fc25c19 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Wrappers for providing FuchsiaPackageResourcesInfo for rust binaries."""
load(":utils.bzl", "get_runfiles", "is_lib", "make_resource_struct")
load(":providers.bzl", "FuchsiaPackageResourcesInfo")
def _fuchsia_wrap_rust_impl(ctx):
# Expect exactly one binary to be generated by the wrapped binary rule.
native_outputs = ctx.attr.native_target.files.to_list()
if len(native_outputs) != 1:
fail("Expected exactly 1 native output for %s, got %s" % (ctx.attr.native_target, native_outputs))
resources = [
# The binary generated by the native rust_* rule.
make_resource_struct(src = native_outputs[0], dest = "bin/" + ctx.attr.bin_name),
for data in
for file in get_runfiles(ctx.attr.native_target):
if is_lib(file):
resources.append(make_resource_struct(src = file, dest = "lib/" + file.basename))
return FuchsiaPackageResourcesInfo(resources = resources)
_fuchsia_wrap_rust_binary = rule(
implementation = _fuchsia_wrap_rust_impl,
doc = """Attaches fuchsia-specific metadata to rust_binary targets.
This allows them to be directly included in fuchsia_component.
attrs = {
"bin_name": attr.string(
doc = "The name of the executable to place under bin/.",
mandatory = True,
"native_target": attr.label(
doc = "The underlying cc_* target.",
mandatory = True,
providers = [[DefaultInfo]],
"data": attr.label_list(
doc = "Packaged files needed by this target at runtime.",
providers = [FuchsiaPackageResourcesInfo],
def fuchsia_wrap_rust_binary(
name = None,
bin_name = None,
native_binary = None,
sdk_root_label = "@fuchsia_sdk",
clang_root_label = "@fuchsia_clang",
"""Wrap a compiled rust binary.
The resulting target can be used as a dep in fuchsia_component.
name: This target name.
bin_name: The filename to place under bin/. Defaults to name.
native_binary: The existing binary's target label.
sdk_root_label: Optionally override the root label of the fuchsia sdk repo.
clang_root_label: Optionally override the root label of the fuchsia clang repo.
**kwargs: Misc arguments (like testonly and visibility) to forward to the underlying rule.
name = name,
bin_name = bin_name if bin_name != None else name,
native_target = native_binary,
data = [
"%s//pkg/sysroot:dist" % sdk_root_label,
"%s//:dist" % clang_root_label,
"%s//:runtime" % clang_root_label,