blob: 69270e20a0dd6698dbdc0a10cf4cbee502f6817c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utilities for extracting, creating, and manipulating debug symbols."""
load(":providers.bzl", "FuchsiaDebugSymbolInfo")
load(":utils.bzl", "flatten", "make_resource_struct")
load("@rules_cc//cc:find_cc_toolchain.bzl", "find_cc_toolchain")
def strip_resources(ctx, resources):
"""Strips resources and returns FuchsiaDebugSymbolInfo."""
build_id_dir = ctx.actions.declare_directory( + "/.build-id")
stripped_resources = []
all_maybe_elf_files = []
all_ids_txt = []
# We need to make sure we have a unique set of inputs. If we have duplicate
# resources then the ctx.actions.declare_file below will fail because it
# will try to declare the same file twice. We only need to strip the resource
# once so there is no need to attempt to stip duplicates.
for r in depset(resources).to_list():
ids_txt = ctx.actions.declare_file(r.src.path + "ids_txt")
stripped_resources.append(_maybe_process_elf(ctx, r, ids_txt))
executable = ctx.executable._generate_symbols_dir_tool,
arguments = [build_id_dir.path] + [f.path for f in all_ids_txt],
outputs = [build_id_dir],
inputs = all_ids_txt + all_maybe_elf_files,
mnemonic = "GenerateDebugSymbols",
progress_message = "Generate dir with debug symbols for %s" % ctx.label,
return stripped_resources, FuchsiaDebugSymbolInfo(build_id_dirs = {
"BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY": depset([build_id_dir]),
def _maybe_process_elf(ctx, r, ids_txt):
cc_toolchain = find_cc_toolchain(ctx)
stripped = ctx.actions.declare_file(r.src.path + "_stripped")
outputs = [stripped, ids_txt],
inputs = [r.src],
tools = cc_toolchain.all_files,
executable = ctx.executable._elf_strip_tool,
progress_message = "Extracting debug symbols from %s" % r.src,
mnemonic = "ExtractDebugFromELF",
arguments = [
return make_resource_struct(
src = stripped,
dest = r.dest,
def _fuchsia_debug_symbols_impl(ctx):
return [
FuchsiaDebugSymbolInfo(build_id_dirs = {
ctx.file.build_dir: depset(transitive = [
for target in ctx.attr.build_id_dirs
fuchsia_debug_symbols = rule(
doc = """Rule-based constructor for FuchsiaDebugSymbolInfo.""",
implementation = _fuchsia_debug_symbols_impl,
attrs = {
"build_dir": attr.label(
doc = "A direct file child within a build directory used by zxdb to locate code.",
mandatory = True,
allow_single_file = True,
"build_id_dirs": attr.label_list(
doc = "The build_id directories with symbols to be registered.",
mandatory = True,
allow_files = True,
def collect_debug_symbols(*targets_or_providers):
build_id_dirs = [
(target_or_provider if (
hasattr(target_or_provider, "build_id_dirs")
) else target_or_provider[FuchsiaDebugSymbolInfo]).build_id_dirs
for target_or_provider in flatten(targets_or_providers)
if hasattr(target_or_provider, "build_id_dirs") or FuchsiaDebugSymbolInfo in target_or_provider
return FuchsiaDebugSymbolInfo(build_id_dirs = {
build_dir: depset(transitive = [
for build_dir_mapping in build_id_dirs
if build_dir in build_dir_mapping
for build_dir in depset([
for file in flatten([build_id_dir.keys() for build_id_dir in build_id_dirs])
if type(file) == "File"
]).to_list() + depset([
for string in flatten([build_id_dir.keys() for build_id_dir in build_id_dirs])
if type(string) == "string"
def get_build_id_dirs(debug_symbol_info):
return flatten([depset.to_list() for depset in debug_symbol_info.build_id_dirs.values()])