blob: 86ffc05622a1eba17daa4839f00cadd75efe310a [file] [log] [blame]
"""Implementation of bind_library rule"""
# A Bind library.
# Parameters
# srcs
# List of source files.
# deps
# List of other bind_library targets included by the library.
load(":providers.bzl", "FuchsiaBindLibraryInfo")
def _get_transitive_srcs(srcs, deps):
return depset(
transitive = [dep[FuchsiaBindLibraryInfo].transitive_sources for dep in deps],
def _bind_library_impl(context):
# In-tree bind libraries have exactly 1 source file.
if len(context.files.srcs) != 1:
fail("There must be exactly 1 item in 'srcs'.")
trans_srcs = _get_transitive_srcs(context.files.srcs, context.attr.deps)
return [
FuchsiaBindLibraryInfo(name =, transitive_sources = trans_srcs),
DefaultInfo(files = depset(context.files.srcs)),
fuchsia_bind_library = rule(
implementation = _bind_library_impl,
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(
doc = "The list of bind library source files",
mandatory = True,
allow_files = True,
allow_empty = False,
"deps": attr.label_list(
doc = "The list of bind libraries this library depends on",
mandatory = False,
providers = [FuchsiaBindLibraryInfo],