blob: 7b54fc02df6ac1762ea6e22cbe00787c5c72feb6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Rule for running size checker on given image."""
load(":providers.bzl", "FuchsiaProductImageInfo")
# Command for running ffx assembly size-check product.
set -e
$FFX \
--config "assembly_enabled=true" \
assembly \
size-check \
product \
--assembly-manifest $IMAGES_PATH \
--size-breakdown-output $SIZE_FILE
def _fuchsia_product_size_check_impl(ctx):
images_out = ctx.attr.product_image[FuchsiaProductImageInfo].images_out
ffx_tool = ctx.toolchains["@rules_fuchsia//fuchsia:toolchain"].ffx
size_file = ctx.actions.declare_file( + "_size_summary")
inputs = ctx.files.product_image + [ffx_tool],
outputs = [size_file],
env = {
"FFX": ffx_tool.path,
"IMAGES_PATH": images_out.path + "/images.json",
"SIZE_FILE": size_file.path,
progress_message = "Size checking for %s" %,
deps = [size_file]
return [DefaultInfo(files = depset(direct = deps))]
fuchsia_product_size_check = rule(
doc = """Create a size summary of an image.""",
implementation = _fuchsia_product_size_check_impl,
toolchains = ["@rules_fuchsia//fuchsia:toolchain"],
attrs = {
"product_image": attr.label(
doc = "fuchsia_product_image target to check size",
providers = [FuchsiaProductImageInfo],
mandatory = True,