blob: 757ce1c75e175d7ff9e23892f410daad2b62ceb0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
load(":cipd_tool.bzl", "cipd_tool_repository")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:utils.bzl", "maybe", "workspace_and_buildfile")
# Base URL for CIPD archives.
_CIPD_URL_TEMPLATE = "{package_path}/{os}-{arch}/+/{tag}"
def cipd_repository(name, ensure_file, **kwargs):
# Verify that we have a cipd tool repo
name = "cipd_tool",
repo_rule = cipd_tool_repository,
_cipd_repository(name = name, ensure_file = ensure_file, **kwargs)
def fetch_cipd_contents(repository_ctx, cipd_bin, ensure_file, root = "."):
result = repository_ctx.execute(
if result.return_code != 0:
fail("Unable to download cipd content for {}\n{}".format(ensure_file, result.stderr))
def _https_url(package_path, os, arch, tag):
return _CIPD_URL_TEMPLATE.format(package_path = package_path, os = os, arch = arch, tag = tag)
def fetch_cipd_contents_from_https(repository_ctx, package_path, os, arch, tag, sha256 = "", root = "."):
result = repository_ctx.download_and_extract(
_https_url(package_path, os, arch, tag),
type = "zip",
sha256 = sha256,
output = root,
return result.sha256
def _cipd_repository_impl(repository_ctx):
fetch_cipd_contents(repository_ctx, repository_ctx.attr.cipd_bin, repository_ctx.attr.ensure_file)
_cipd_repository = repository_rule(
implementation = _cipd_repository_impl,
attrs = {
"ensure_file": attr.label(allow_files = True),
"cipd_bin": attr.label(default = "@cipd_tool//:cipd"),
"workspace_file": attr.label(),
"workspace_file_content": attr.string(),
"build_file": attr.label(),
"build_file_content": attr.string(),