blob: ea2c9939507ab428e65b4c072e7c305c1d30ebcb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:async";
import "dart:convert";
import "dart:io";
import 'package:args/args.dart';
ArgResults argResults;
const lz4Compression = "lz4-compression";
const zstdCompression = "zstd-compression";
const output = "output";
class Blob {
String hash;
String sourcePath = "Unknown";
int size;
int sizeOnHost;
int estimatedCompressedSize;
int count;
int get saved {
return size * (count - 1);
int get proportional {
return size ~/ count;
class Package {
String name;
int size;
int proportional;
int private;
int blobCount;
Map<String, Blob> blobsByPath;
String pathJoin(String part1, String part2, [String part3]) {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (!part1.endsWith("/")) buffer.write("/");
if (part3 != null) {
if (!part2.endsWith("/")) buffer.write("/");
return buffer.toString();
class BlobStats {
Directory buildDir;
Directory outputDir;
String suffix;
Map<String, Blob> blobsByHash = new Map<String, Blob>();
int duplicatedSize = 0;
int deduplicatedSize = 0;
List<File> pendingPackages = new List<File>();
List<Package> packages = new List<Package>();
Directory this.buildDir, Directory this.outputDir, String this.suffix);
Future addManifest(String path) async {
var lines = await new File(pathJoin(buildDir.path, path)).readAsLines();
for (var line in lines) {
var parts = line.split("=");
var hash = parts[0];
var path = parts[1];
if (!path.startsWith("/")) {
path = pathJoin(buildDir.path, path);
var file = new File(path);
if (path.endsWith("meta.far")) {
if (suffix != null && !path.endsWith(suffix)) {
var stat = await file.stat();
if (stat.type == FileSystemEntityType.NOT_FOUND) {
print("$path does not exist");
var blob = blobsByHash[hash];
if (blob == null) {
var blob = new Blob();
blob.hash = hash;
blob.sizeOnHost = stat.size;
blob.estimatedCompressedSize =
await estimateCompressedBlobSize(stat.size, hash, path);
blob.count = 0;
blobsByHash[hash] = blob;
Future estimateCompressedBlobSize(int size, String hash, String path) async {
// TODO(smklein): This is a heuristic matching the internals of blobs.
// As this heuristic changes (or the compression algorithm is altered),
// this code must be updated.
const int minimumSaving = 65536;
bool compression = argResults[lz4Compression] | argResults[zstdCompression];
if (size > minimumSaving && compression) {
String tmpPath = Directory.systemTemp.path + "/compressed." + hash;
var compressedFile = new File(tmpPath);
try {
if (argResults[lz4Compression]) {
var result = await"lz4", ["-1", path, tmpPath]);
if (result.exitCode > 0) {
print("Could not compress $path");
return size;
} else if (argResults[zstdCompression]) {
var result = await"zstd", [path, "-o", tmpPath]);
if (result.exitCode > 0) {
print("Could not compress $path");
return size;
} else {
print("Bad compression algorithm");
var stat = await compressedFile.stat();
if (stat.type == FileSystemEntityType.NOT_FOUND) {
print("Could not compress $path");
return size;
if (stat.size < size - minimumSaving) {
return stat.size;
} finally {
await compressedFile.delete();
return size; // No compression
Future addBlobSizes(String path) async {
var lines = await new File(pathJoin(buildDir.path, path)).readAsLines();
for (var line in lines) {
var parts = line.split("=");
var hash = parts[0];
var blob = blobsByHash[hash];
blob.size = int.parse(parts[1]);
void printBlobList(List<Blob> blobs, int limit) {
print(" Size Share Prop Saved Hash");
var n = 0;
for (var blob in blobs) {
if (n++ > limit) return;
var sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.write(" ");
sb.write(" ");
sb.write(" ");
sb.write(" ");
void printBlobs(int limit) {
var blobs = blobsByHash.values.toList();
print("Top blobs by size ($limit of ${blobs.length})");
blobs.sort((a, b) => b.size.compareTo(a.size));
printBlobList(blobs, limit);
blobs.removeWhere((blob) => blob.count == 1);
print("Top deduplicated blobs by proportional ($limit of ${blobs.length})");
blobs.sort((a, b) => b.proportional.compareTo(a.proportional));
printBlobList(blobs, limit);
print("Top deduplicated blobs by saved ($limit of ${blobs.length})");
blobs.sort((a, b) => b.saved.compareTo(a.saved));
printBlobList(blobs, limit);
var percent = (duplicatedSize - deduplicatedSize) * 100 ~/ duplicatedSize;
print("Total savings from deduplication:");
print(" $percent% $deduplicatedSize / $duplicatedSize");
String metaFarToBlobsJson(String farPath) {
// Assumes details of //build/package.gni, namely that it generates
// <build-dir>/.../<package>.meta/meta.far
// and puts a blobs.json file into
// <build-dir>/.../<package>.meta/blobs.json
if (!farPath.endsWith(".meta/meta.far")) {
throw "Build details have changed";
return farPath.substring(0, farPath.length - "meta.far".length) +
Future computePackagesInParallel(int jobs) async {
var tasks = new List<Future>();
for (var i = 0; i < jobs; i++) {
await Future.wait(tasks);
Future computePackages() async {
while (!pendingPackages.isEmpty) {
File far = pendingPackages.removeLast();
var package = new Package(); = far.path.substring(buildDir.path.length);
package.size = 0;
package.proportional = 0;
package.private = 0;
package.blobCount = 0;
package.blobsByPath = new Map<String, Blob>();
var blobs = json
.decode(await new File(metaFarToBlobsJson(far.path)).readAsString());
for (var blob in blobs) {
var hash = blob["merkle"];
var path = blob["path"];
var b = blobsByHash[hash];
if (b == null) {
"$path $hash is in a package manifest but not the final manifest");
var sourcePath = blob["source_path"];
// If the source_path looks like <something>/blobs/<merkle>, it from a prebuilt package and has no
// meaningful source. Instead, use the path within the package as its identifier.
if (sourcePath.endsWith("/blobs/$hash")) {
sourcePath = path;
// We may see the same blob referenced from different packages with different source paths.
// If all references agree with each other, use that.
// Otherwise record the first observed path and append " *" to denote that the path is only one of many.
if (b.sourcePath == "Unknown") {
b.sourcePath = sourcePath;
} else if (b.sourcePath != sourcePath && !b.sourcePath.endsWith(" *")) {
b.sourcePath = b.sourcePath + " *";
package.blobsByPath[path] = b;
void computeStats() {
var filteredBlobs = new Map<String, Blob>();
blobsByHash.forEach((hash, blob) {
if (blob.count == 0) {
"${blob.hash} is in the final manifest but not any package manifest");
} else {
filteredBlobs[hash] = blob;
blobsByHash = filteredBlobs;
for (var blob in blobsByHash.values) {
duplicatedSize += (blob.size * blob.count);
deduplicatedSize += blob.size;
for (var package in packages) {
for (var blob in package.blobsByPath.values) {
package.size += blob.size;
package.proportional += blob.proportional;
if (blob.count == 1) {
package.private += blob.size;
void printPackages() {
packages.sort((a, b) => b.proportional.compareTo(a.proportional));
print("Packages by proportional (${packages.length})");
print(" Size Prop Private Path");
for (var package in packages) {
var sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.write(" ");
sb.write(" ");
sb.write(" ");
Future packagesToChromiumBinarySizeTree() async {
var rootTree = {};
rootTree["n"] = "packages";
rootTree["children"] = new List();
rootTree["k"] = "p"; // kind=path
for (var pkg in packages) {
var parts ="/");
var pkgName = parts.length > 1 ? parts[parts.length - 2] : parts.last;
var pkgTree = {};
pkgTree["n"] = pkgName;
pkgTree["children"] = new List();
pkgTree["k"] = "p"; // kind=path
pkg.blobsByPath.forEach((path, blob) {
var blobName = path; //path.split("/").last;
var blobTree = {};
blobTree["n"] = blobName;
blobTree["k"] = "s"; // kind=blob
var isUnique = blob.count == 1;
var isDart =
blobName.endsWith(".dilp") || blobName.endsWith(".aotsnapshot");
if (isDart) {
if (isUnique) {
blobTree["t"] = "uniDart";
} else {
blobTree["t"] = "dart"; // type=Shared Dart ("blue")
} else {
if (isUnique) {
blobTree["t"] = "unique";
} else {
blobTree["t"] = "?"; // type=Other ("red")
blobTree["c"] = blob.count;
blobTree["value"] = blob.proportional;
blobTree["originalSize"] = blob.sizeOnHost;
blobTree["estimatedCompressedSize"] = blob.estimatedCompressedSize;
await outputDir.create(recursive: true);
var sink = new File(pathJoin(outputDir.path, "data.js")).openWrite();
sink.write("var tree_data=");
await sink.close();
await new Directory(pathJoin(outputDir.path, "d3")).create(recursive: true);
var d3Dir = pathJoin(buildDir.path, "../../scripts/third_party/d3/");
for (var file in ["LICENSE", "d3.js"]) {
await new File(d3Dir + file).copy(pathJoin(outputDir.path, "d3", file));
var templateDir =
pathJoin(buildDir.path, "../../scripts/blobstats/template/");
for (var file in ["index.html", "D3BlobTreeMap.js"]) {
await new File(templateDir + file).copy(pathJoin(outputDir.path, file));
print(" Wrote visualization to file://" +
pathJoin(outputDir.path, "index.html"));
Future main(List<String> args) async {
final parser = new ArgParser()
..addFlag("help", abbr: "h", help: "give this help")
..addOption(output, abbr: "o", help: "Directory to output report to")
abbr: "l", defaultsTo: false, help: "Use (lz4) compressed size")
abbr: "z", defaultsTo: false, help: "Use (zstd) compressed size");
argResults = parser.parse(args);
if (argResults["help"]) {
print("Usage: fx blobstats [OPTION]...\n\nOptions:\n" + parser.usage);
var suffix;
if ( > 0) {
suffix =[0];
var outputDir = Directory.current;
if (argResults[output] != null) {
outputDir = new Directory(argResults[output]);
var stats = new BlobStats(Directory.current, outputDir, suffix);
await stats.addManifest("blob.manifest");
await stats.addBlobSizes("blob.sizes");
await stats.computePackagesInParallel(Platform.numberOfProcessors);
await stats.packagesToChromiumBinarySizeTree();