Hello World Example

The Hello, World sample introduces a Fuchsia component that prints “Hello, world” messages to the system log. The BUILD.gn file contains rules that demonstrate building a single binar with shared and static libraries as dependencies.

Source layout

  • hello.cc: Main entrypoint for the component binary
  • hello_shared: Shared library exposing functions to retrieve a greeting
  • hello_static: Static library exposing functions to retrieve a greeting

Before you begin

  1. Start a FEMU instance:

    $ ./third_party/fuchsia-sdk/bin/femu.sh -N
  2. Start a local package repository instance:

    $ ./third_party/fuchsia-sdk/tools/x64/fserve --image qemu-x64

Build the sample

  1. Run the build script to compile and package the sample:

    $ ./scripts/build.sh
  2. Publish the FAR package to your local package repository:

    $ ./third_party/fuchsia-sdk/tools/x64/fpublish out/x64/hello_world.far

Run the sample

  1. Launch the sample component using ffx component run. This resolves the component from the package repository and starts it:

    $ ./third_party/fuchsia-sdk/tools/x64/ffx component run fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/hello_world#meta/hello_world.cm
  2. View the greeting messages in the system log using ffx target log:

    $ ./third_party/fuchsia-sdk/tools/x64/ffx target log watch
    [hello_world][I] pthreads: hello
    [hello_world][I] Hello, world
    [hello_world][I] cppthreads: hello

Run the unit tests

  1. Execute the unit test suite using ffx test run. This resolves the component from the package repository and executes the tests:

    $ ./third_party/fuchsia-sdk/tools/x64/ffx test run fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/hello_world_test#meta/hello_world_test.cm
  2. Verify that the test cases pass:

    Running test 'fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/hello_world_test#meta/hello_world_test.cm'
    [RUNNING]	HelloWorldTest.True
    [stdout - HelloWorldTest.True]
    Running main() from ../../third_party/googletest/src/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc
    [PASSED]	HelloWorldTest.True
    1 out of 1 tests passed...
    fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/hello_world_test#meta/hello_world_test.cm completed with result: PASSED