Test loop fixture

If you have code that runs using the async-cpp library, you can use this test loop fixture to drive your code.

The canonical source for this library is the Fuchsia source tree at //src/lib/testing/loop_fixture.

Using the loop fixture

Add the loop fixture as a dependency of your test.


Add the following to your test code:

  • The include statement.
  • A subclass of TestLoopFixture.
  • A call to run the loop.
#include <third_party/googletest/loop_fixture/test_loop_fixture.h>

// The fixture for testing the Engine class.
class EngineDeviceUnitTest : public gtest::TestLoopFixture {
  void SetUp() override {
    // Other setup.

  void TearDown() override {
    // Other teardown.

TEST_F(EngineDeviceUnitTest, Negation) {
  // Call function under test.


  // Do verifications.