DEPRECATED! fx build-push

DEPRECATED! build Fuchsia and push to device

usage: fx build-push [ninja option,...] [target,...]

Deprecated: This command is deprecated as it is misleading. Packages in
Fuchsia are only cached, not installed, and the cache is updated on-demand
when a component is launched from a fuchsia package URL. An attempt to "push"
a package as implemented here only performs one of these resolutions, and may
or may not influence what happens "next" if a user "runs" a component url. As
such this command influences a poor mental model of the system and should be

Build ALL targets. After building all the targets, push the ones that were
supplied to this command. If no targets were specified push all of them.
The packages are pushed to the device specified. If no device is supplied
explicitly this will push to the single connected device. If multiple devices
are connected and no device is specified, pushing will fail.

build-push source code