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View {:#View}

Defined in

A View is an interface that a component implements to offer a Scenic view to its clients. A Scenic view is container of Scenic graph nodes, which, when rendered, might display a graphical user interface, such as a module, shell, or on-screen keyboard.

A client of the View interface will:

  1. Launch (or bind to) the component that provides the interface.
  2. Connect to the component's View interface.
  3. Call SetConfig() at least once to configure the view's presentation parameters.
  4. Call AttachView() to ask the View to attach its graphical content to the Scenic scene graph using the provided view_token.
  5. Optionally, while the View is attached, call SetConfig() again to modify any presentation parameters as needed.

When the client no longer needs the View, it should disconnect from the interface and terminate (or unbind) from the component.

NOTE: Unlike with ViewProvider, the client owns the View instance and must retain it for the lifetime of the UI that it displays. If the View instance is destroyed, the connection will be dropped.

On the implementation side, a component that exposes the View interface has the following responsibilities:

  • Initialize and attach the View's content to the Scenic scene graph using the fuchsia.ui.view.CreateViewCmd and passing the provided view_token.
  • Adjust the appearance and/or contents of the view's content whenever its ViewConfig changes.
  • Provide graphical content for the view and handle user interface events such as touches, key presses, and fuchsia.ui.view.ViewProperty changes using other Scenic interfaces such as fuchsia.ui.Scenic and fuchsia.ui.SessionListener.

TODO(SCN-1198): Migrate all implementations of ViewProvider to use View.

SetConfig {:#SetConfig}

Updates the View's configuration.

To prevent triggering UI changes shortly after a client starts up, the View's client should set the configuration prior to calling AttachView() unless the default is adequate.

May be called again at any time to modify the view's configuration.


Attach {:#Attach}

Attaches the View to Scenic's scene graph. Must only be called once per View lifetime.

The View's implementation should pass the view_token to Scenic using a fuchsia.ui.view.CreateViewCmd.


ViewProvider {:#ViewProvider}

Defined in

ViewProvider is the standard mechanism for two modules to each obtain half of a shared eventpair token. The shared token is a capability allowing the modules to ask Scenic to create a ViewHolder/View pair. The resulting View and ViewHolder are linked together until either one is destroyed.

Modules are free to use any other mechanism to agree upon the shared eventpair token, and use this to create the linked ViewHolder/View. ViewProvider is given for the convenience of clients that don't require a more complex implementation.

CreateView {:#CreateView}

Creates a new View under the control of the ViewProvider.

token is one half of the shared eventpair which will bind the new View to its associated ViewHolder. The ViewProvider will use token to create its internal View representation. The caller is expected to use its half to create corresponding ViewHolder object.

incoming_services allows clients to request services from the ViewProvider implementation. outgoing_services allows clients to provide services of their own to the ViewProvider implementation.

Clients can embed a ViewHolder (and by proxy the paired View) into their scene graph by using Node.AddChild(). The ViewHolder cannot itself have any children. A ViewProvider implementation can nest scene objects within its View by using View.AddChild(). The View itself cannot be a child of anything.

Modules can use these mechanisms to establish a distributed, inter-process scene graph.


View {:#View}

Defined in

A View is an interface that a component implements to offer a Scenic view to its clients. A Scenic view is container of Scenic graph nodes, which, when rendered, might display a graphical user interface, such as a module, shell, or on-screen keyboard.

A client of the View interface will:

  1. Launch (or bind to) the component that provides the interface.
  2. Connect to the component's View interface.
  3. Call SetConfig() at least once to configure the view's presentation parameters.
  4. Call AttachView() to ask the View to attach its graphical content to the Scenic scene graph using the provided view_token.
  5. Optionally, while the View is attached, call SetConfig() again to modify any presentation parameters as needed.

When the client no longer needs the View, it should disconnect from the interface and terminate (or unbind) from the component.

NOTE: Unlike with ViewProvider, the client owns the View instance and must retain it for the lifetime of the UI that it displays. If the View instance is destroyed, the connection will be dropped.

On the implementation side, a component that exposes the View interface has the following responsibilities:

  • Initialize and attach the View's content to the Scenic scene graph using the fuchsia.ui.view.CreateViewCmd and passing the provided view_token.
  • Adjust the appearance and/or contents of the view's content whenever its ViewConfig changes.
  • Provide graphical content for the view and handle user interface events such as touches, key presses, and fuchsia.ui.view.ViewProperty changes using other Scenic interfaces such as fuchsia.ui.Scenic and fuchsia.ui.SessionListener.

TODO(SCN-1198): Migrate all implementations of ViewProvider to use View.

SetConfig {:#SetConfig}

Updates the View's configuration.

To prevent triggering UI changes shortly after a client starts up, the View's client should set the configuration prior to calling AttachView() unless the default is adequate.

May be called again at any time to modify the view's configuration.


Attach {:#Attach}

Attaches the View to Scenic's scene graph. Must only be called once per View lifetime.

The View's implementation should pass the view_token to Scenic using a fuchsia.ui.view.CreateViewCmd.


ViewProvider {:#ViewProvider}

Defined in

ViewProvider is the standard mechanism for two modules to each obtain half of a shared eventpair token. The shared token is a capability allowing the modules to ask Scenic to create a ViewHolder/View pair. The resulting View and ViewHolder are linked together until either one is destroyed.

Modules are free to use any other mechanism to agree upon the shared eventpair token, and use this to create the linked ViewHolder/View. ViewProvider is given for the convenience of clients that don't require a more complex implementation.

CreateView {:#CreateView}

Creates a new View under the control of the ViewProvider.

token is one half of the shared eventpair which will bind the new View to its associated ViewHolder. The ViewProvider will use token to create its internal View representation. The caller is expected to use its half to create corresponding ViewHolder object.

incoming_services allows clients to request services from the ViewProvider implementation. outgoing_services allows clients to provide services of their own to the ViewProvider implementation.

Clients can embed a ViewHolder (and by proxy the paired View) into their scene graph by using Node.AddChild(). The ViewHolder cannot itself have any children. A ViewProvider implementation can nest scene objects within its View by using View.AddChild(). The View itself cannot be a child of anything.

Modules can use these mechanisms to establish a distributed, inter-process scene graph.



ViewConfig {:#ViewConfig}

Defined in

Collection of properties that provide affect the rendering of a view's contents. This might include internationalization settings, font scaling, night mode, high contrast mode, etc.

ViewConfig {:#ViewConfig}

Defined in

Collection of properties that provide affect the rendering of a view's contents. This might include internationalization settings, font scaling, night mode, high contrast mode, etc.