Project: /_project.yaml Book: /_book.yaml



DebugData {:#DebugData}

Defined in fuchsia.debugdata/debugdata.fidl

DebugData defines the interface for instrumentation configuration and data publishing.

Publish {:#Publish}

The program runtime sends a string naming a data_sink and transfers the sole handle to a VMO containing the data it wants published there. The data_sink string identifies a type of data, and the VMO‘s object name can specifically identify the data set in this VMO. The client must transfer the only handle to the VMO (which prevents the VMO being resized without the receiver’s knowledge), but it might still have the VMO mapped in and continue to write data to it. Code instrumentation runtimes use this to deliver large binary trace results.


LoadConfig {:#LoadConfig}

The program runtime names a config_name referring to a debug configuration of some kind and gets back a VMO to read configuration data from. The sanitizer runtimes use this to allow large options text to be stored in a file rather than passed directly in environment strings.

