tree: 1b0955aa1284637738b25d2c131b8d3acfec1e31 [path history] [tgz]
  1. A2dpConfig/
  2. ArchivistConfig/
  3. ArchivistPipeline/
  4. AssemblyConfig/
  5. AudioConfig/
  6. AudioCoreConfig/
  7. AvrcpConfig/
  8. BatteryConfig/
  9. BlobfsLayout/
  10. BlobFvmVolumeConfig/
  11. BluetoothConfig/
  12. BluetoothProfilesConfig/
  13. BrightnessManager/
  14. BuildInfoConfig/
  15. BuildType/
  16. CameraConfig/
  17. CobaltConfig/
  18. ComponentIdIndexConfig/
  19. ComponentPolicyConfig/
  20. DataFilesystemFormat/
  21. DataFvmVolumeConfig/
  22. DevelopmentSupportConfig/
  23. DiagnosticsConfig/
  24. DriverDetails/
  25. DriverFrameworkConfig/
  26. DriverHostCrashPolicy/
  27. ExampleConfig/
  28. FactoryDataConfig/
  29. FeatureControl/
  30. FeatureSupportLevel/
  31. FeedbackConfig/
  32. FileRelativePathBuf/
  33. FilesystemImageMode/
  34. FontsConfig/
  35. ForensicsConfig/
  36. FormatDataOnCorruption/
  37. FvmVolumeConfig/
  38. GraphicsConfig/
  39. HfpConfig/
  40. ICUConfig/
  41. ICUType/
  42. ImageName/
  43. InputDeviceType/
  44. InputGroupsConfig/
  45. IntlConfig/
  46. MdnsConfig/
  47. MemoryMonitorConfig/
  48. MemorySize/
  49. MultizoneConfig/
  50. NetstackVersion/
  51. NetworkingConfig/
  52. OtaConfigs/
  53. PipelineType/
  54. PlatformConfig/
  55. PlatformConnectivityConfig/
  56. PlatformKernelConfig/
  57. PlatformMediaConfig/
  58. PlatformNetworkConfig/
  59. PlatformParavirtualizationConfig/
  60. PlatformSessionConfig/
  61. PlatformStarnixConfig/
  62. PlatformUiConfig/
  63. PlatformVirtualizationConfig/
  64. PlatformWlanConfig/
  65. PolicyConfig/
  66. PolicyLabels/
  67. PowerConfig/
  68. ProductConfig/
  69. ProductConfigData/
  70. ProductFilesystemConfig/
  71. ProductInfoConfig/
  72. ProductPackageDetails/
  73. ProductPackagesConfig/
  74. RecoveryConfig/
  75. RendererType/
  76. ReservedFvmVolumeConfig/
  77. Revision/
  78. SamplerConfig/
  79. SetUiConfig/
  80. Snoop/
  81. software_delivery/
  82. StorageConfig/
  83. TestFuzzingConfig/
  84. ThreadConfig/
  85. TimekeeperConfig/
  86. TrustedApp/
  87. Type/
  88. UnsignedIntegerRangeInclusive/
  89. UpdateChecker/
  90. UsbConfig/
  91. UsbPeripheralConfig/
  92. UsbPeripheralFunction/
  93. VerificationFailureAction/
  94. ViewingDistance/
  95. VolumeConfig/
  96. WeaveConfig/
  97. WlanPolicyLayer/
  98. WlanRecoveryProfile/
  99. WlanRoamingProfile/
  100. _toc.yaml

The audio stack to use in the platform.

Platform configuration options for Bluetooth. The default platform configuration does not include any Bluetooth packages.

These control security and behavioral settings within the platform, and can change the platform packages placed into the assembled product image.

This is the basis for the contract with the product as to what the minimal set of services that are available in the platform will be. Features can be enabled on top of this most-basic level, but some features will require a higher basic level of support.

These were initially based on the product definitions that are used to provide the basis for all other products:

bringup.gni (Bootstrap) +--> minimal.gni (Minimal) +--> core.gni +--> (everything else)

The `Utility` level is between `Bootstrap` and `Minimal`, adding the `/core` realm and those children of `/core` needed by all systems that include `/core`.

The standard (default) level is `Minimal`. It is the level that should be used by products' main system.

A Utf8PathBuf which can be either file-relative, or has been resolved with the path to the containing file.

The 'serde::Deserialize' implementation results in these path being in the file-relative state.

The FileRelativePathBuf has 'From' implementations that create it in the "resolved" state when converting from path formats that are used by an application (str, String, Utf8Path, Utf8PathBuf, etc.)

``` use assembly_file_relative_path::FileRelativePathBuf;

let path: FileRelativePathBuf = "some/path/to/file_1.json".into(); assert_eq!( path, FileRelativePathBuf::Resolved("some/path/to/file_1.json".into()) );

let relative = path.make_relative_to_dir("some/path")?; assert_eq!( relative, FileRelativePathBuf::FileRelative("to/file_1.json".into()) ); ```

Amount of memory.

This also includes configuration for those packages:

```json5 packages: { base: [ { manifest: "path/to/package_a/package_manifest.json", }, { manifest: "path/to/package_b/package_manifest.json", config_data: { "foo.cfg": "path/to/some/source/file/foo.cfg", "bar/more/data.json": "path/to/some.json", }, }, ], cache: [] } ```

no description

The UpdateChecker enum represents the particular implementation of the update-checker tool on the target that the `update` package depends on

How to configure the filesystem volume. Some systems may configure this without actually generating filesystem images in order to configure fshost without needing an actual filesystem.