fx unarchive-package

unarchive a Fuchsia package archive in FAR format

Usage: fx unarchive-package <.far file> [ --out-dir <output directory> ]

The script unarchives a Fuchsia package archive in FAR format and puts the
contents in the output directory. Files in the package will be renamed and
arranged according to its meta/contents file.

The command will by default create a directory with the same name as the .far
file under the current directory, which can be overridden by --output-dir
option. If --output-dir is an existing directory, then a sub-directory with
the same name as the .far file will be created.

Note: although a Fuchsia package archive is in FAR format, not all .far files
are valid Fuchsia packages! To interact with any .far files, use `fx far`.
Also, This tool only works with fuchsia package archives, although it could be
extended in the future to work with plain fuchsia packages.

  $ fx unarchive-package foo.far
  Unarchived foo.far under foo

  # directory "foo" will be created as
  $ tree foo
  ├── bin
  │   └── foo
  ├── lib
  │   ├── ld.so.1
  │   ├── libc++abi.so.1
  │   ├── libc++.so.2
  │   ├── libfdio.so
  │   └── libunwind.so.1
  └── meta
      ├── contents
      ├── foo_component.cmx
      └── package

  $ fx unarchive-package foo.far --out-dir foo2  # assuming foo2 doesn't exist
  Unarchived foo.far under foo2

  $ fx unarchive-package foo.far --out-dir /tmp
  Unarchived foo.far under /tmp/foo

unarchive-package source code