Project: /_project.yaml Book: /_book.yaml



BalloonController {:#BalloonController}

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/balloon_controller.fidl

A BalloonController controls a guest instance's memory balloon.

GetNumPages {:#GetNumPages}

Get the number of pages in the memory balloon.



RequestNumPages {:#RequestNumPages}

Request a number of pages to be supplied to the memory balloon.

If num_pages is greater than the current value, the guest instance will provide additional pages to the memory balloon. If num_pages is less than the current value, the guest instance is free to reclaim pages from the memory balloon.


GetMemStats {:#GetMemStats}

Get memory statistics of the guest instance.



Guest {:#Guest}

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/guest.fidl

A Guest provides access to services of a guest instance.

GetSerial {:#GetSerial}

Get the socket for the primary serial device of the guest. The details regarding what output is produced and what input is accepted are determined by each guest.



Manager {:#Manager}

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/manager.fidl

Create {:#Create}

Create a new environment in which guests can be launched.

The label is a string that is used for diagnostic purposes, such as naming resources and dumping debug info.


List {:#List}

Query for existing guest environments.

This is intended for diagnostic purposes only.



Connect {:#Connect}

Connect to a currently running guest environment identified by id. The id can be found via a call to List.

This is intended for diagnostic purposes only.


WaylandDispatcher {:#WaylandDispatcher}

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/realm.fidl

An interface that will receive channels for Wayland connections.

OnNewConnection {:#OnNewConnection}

Inform dispatcher of new connection.

When a client opens a new connection to the virtio_wl device, a new zx::channel will be created for that connection. The virtio_wl device will retain one endpoint of that channel and the other endpoint will be provided to this method. The messages on the channel will be Wayland protocol messages as sent by the client. Each channel datagram will contain 1 or more complete Wayland messages.


Realm {:#Realm}

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/realm.fidl

LaunchInstance {:#LaunchInstance}

Launch a new guest instance into this environment. The cid of the instance is returned so that it can be uniquely identified.



ListInstances {:#ListInstances}

Query for guests running in this environment.



ConnectToInstance {:#ConnectToInstance}

Connect to a currently running guest instance identified by cid. The cid can be found via the return value of LaunchInstance or a call to ListInstances.


ConnectToBalloon {:#ConnectToBalloon}

Connect to the memory balloon of a currently running guest instance identified by cid.


GetHostVsockEndpoint {:#GetHostVsockEndpoint}

Returns an interface that can be used to access the host vsock endpoint.


GuestVsockAcceptor {:#GuestVsockAcceptor}

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/vsock.fidl

Exposed by guests capable of listening via vsocks. On a request to establish a connection, the Accept method will be called. If the port is open and accepting connections, the implementation should return ZX_OK.

Also see GuestVsockEndpoint.

Accept {:#Accept}



HostVsockAcceptor {:#HostVsockAcceptor}

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/vsock.fidl

Exposed by a host capable of listening via vsocks. A variant of a GuestVsockAcceptor that is responsible for creating the handle with which to communicate. The handle will be either a socket or a channel, depending on the current configuration.

Accept {:#Accept}



HostVsockConnector {:#HostVsockConnector}

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/vsock.fidl

Exposed by a host capable of connecting via vsocks. This allows a guest to identify itself via {src_cid, src_port}, and request to connect to {cid, port}. The host should return ZX_OK, and create a handle with which to communicate. The handle will be either a socket or a channel, depending on the current configuration.

Connect {:#Connect}



GuestVsockEndpoint {:#GuestVsockEndpoint}

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/vsock.fidl

Exposed by guests capable of handling vsock traffic. During initialization the Manager will assign a unique CID to this endpoint and provide a HostVsockConnector that can be used to establish outbound connections. The implementation should provide a GuestVsockAcceptor implementation that can handle any inbound connection requests.

SetContextId {:#SetContextId}


OnShutdown {:#OnShutdown}


HostVsockEndpoint {:#HostVsockEndpoint}

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/vsock.fidl

Exposed by a host to provide the ability for listeners to be multiplexed by port and to manage dynamic port allocation for outbound connections.

Listen {:#Listen}

Register acceptor to be invoked for any connection requests to port.



Connect {:#Connect}

Similar to HostVsockConnector.Connect except the src_cid is HOST_CID and src_port is generated automatically.




MemStat {:#MemStat}

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/balloon_controller.fidl

Contains a memory statistic for the balloon device.

EnvironmentInfo {:#EnvironmentInfo}

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/manager.fidl

InstanceInfo {:#InstanceInfo}

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/manager.fidl

BlockDevice {:#BlockDevice}

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/realm.fidl

Properties describing a single block device in the system.

WaylandDevice {:#WaylandDevice}

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/realm.fidl

Properties describing a virtio_wl device.

Default to a 1GiB allocation.

MagmaDevice {:#MagmaDevice}

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/realm.fidl

Properties describing a virtio_magma device.

Default to a 16GiB allocation.

LaunchInfo {:#LaunchInfo}

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/realm.fidl

See ///src/virtualization/bin/vmm/ for valid options.

If not provided, no virtio_wl device will be created by the VMM.

If not provided, no virtio_magma device will be created by the VMM.


BlockMode {:#BlockMode}

Type: uint32

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/realm.fidl

Mode of the file backing a block device.

BlockFormat {:#BlockFormat}

Type: uint32

Defined in fuchsia.virtualization/realm.fidl

Data format of the file backing a block device.


CIDs for guests are assigned by the Manager and can be found in the corresponding InstanceInfo structure.