Project: /_project.yaml Book: /_book.yaml



StoryModel {:#StoryModel}

Defined in fuchsia.modular.storymodel/story_model.fidl

IMPORTANT: StoryModel must only contain field types that are cloneable.

The StoryModel FIDL table is used to represent the state of a story. sessionmgr keeps a separate StoryModel in memory for each running story, and also persists changes to it onto storage.

Always set. Immutable.

Always set. Defaults to StoryState::STOPPED.

Always set. Defaults to StoryVisibilityState::DEFAULT.

Always set. Defaults to an empty list.

ModuleModel {:#ModuleModel}

Defined in fuchsia.modular.storymodel/story_model.fidl

Always set. Immutable.


StoryModelMutation {:#StoryModelMutation}

Defined in fuchsia.modular.storymodel/story_model_mutation.fidl

The StoryModelMutation union represents the set of all possible low-level mutations to data for a single story. A vector of mutations represent mutations that are to be applied to the model in a single transaction.

This structured is used internally in sessionmgr and is not exposed to any clients outside that process. Clients will typically construct these indirectly using convenience methods on the StoryMutator class.