Project: /_project.yaml Book: /_book.yaml



Provider {:#Provider}

Defined in fuchsia.fonts.experimental/provider.test.fidl

Experimental additions to Provider.

GetTypefaceById {:#GetTypefaceById}

Get an exact font by asset ID. This would typically be called after ListTypefaces, e.g. as part of a font selection interface. As with fuchsia.fonts.GetTypeface, it is the caller's responsibility to properly parse the file.

Possible errors: NOT_FOUND if no asset with the requested id exists. INTERNAL if the requested id exists, but the asset failed to load.

Eventually this should probably be folded into GetTypeface.



ListTypefaces {:#ListTypefaces}

Creates a ListTypefacesIterator instance that will return a paginated list of fonts matching request.

Possible errors: INTERNAL if something bad happens.



GetTypefacesByFamily {:#GetTypefacesByFamily}

Returns a TypefaceInfo for each font in the requested family. The results' family fields will hold the canonical family name, even if this method is called with an alias.

This method should be called only if the caller knows family exists. Requesting a family that does not exist results in an error. To search for fonts by family name (or alias), use ListTypefaces instead.

Possible errors: NOT_FOUND if no family name or alias matches the requested family.



ListTypefacesIterator {:#ListTypefacesIterator}

Defined in fuchsia.fonts.experimental/provider.test.fidl

GetNext {:#GetNext}

Returns the next chunk of TypefaceInfo for all typefaces that match the bound ListTypefacesRequest. If response.results is empty, no results remain.




Provider_GetTypefaceById_Response {:#Provider_GetTypefaceById_Response}

Defined in fuchsia.fonts.experimental/generated

Provider_ListTypefaces_Response {:#Provider_ListTypefaces_Response}

Defined in fuchsia.fonts.experimental/generated

Provider_GetTypefacesByFamily_Response {:#Provider_GetTypefacesByFamily_Response}

Defined in fuchsia.fonts.experimental/generated

SlantRange {:#SlantRange}

Defined in fuchsia.fonts.experimental/provider.test.fidl

Represents a range of acceptable Slants. Both bounds are inclusive.

WeightRange {:#WeightRange}

Defined in fuchsia.fonts.experimental/provider.test.fidl

Represents a range of acceptable Weights. Both bounds are inclusive.

WidthRange {:#WidthRange}

Defined in fuchsia.fonts.experimental/provider.test.fidl

Represents a range of acceptable Widths. Both bounds are inclusive.


Error {:#Error}

Type: uint32

Defined in fuchsia.fonts.experimental/provider.test.fidl


ListTypefacesRequest {:#ListTypefacesRequest}

Defined in fuchsia.fonts.experimental/provider.test.fidl

Query parameters for ListTypefaces. Results must match all included fields. All fields are optional; omitted fields will match any font.

TypefaceInfoResponse {:#TypefaceInfoResponse}

Defined in fuchsia.fonts.experimental/provider.test.fidl

TypefaceInfo {:#TypefaceInfo}

Defined in fuchsia.fonts.experimental/provider.test.fidl

Collection of typeface metadata that should be sufficient for clients to perform some kind of selection (likely via human) and request an exact font.


Provider_GetTypefaceById_Result {:#Provider_GetTypefaceById_Result}

Defined in fuchsia.fonts.experimental/generated

Provider_ListTypefaces_Result {:#Provider_ListTypefaces_Result}

Defined in fuchsia.fonts.experimental/generated

Provider_GetTypefacesByFamily_Result {:#Provider_GetTypefacesByFamily_Result}

Defined in fuchsia.fonts.experimental/generated


ListTypefacesFlags {:#ListTypefacesFlags}

Type: uint32

Note: Matching will always ignore case.