insertAll method

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void insertAll (int index, Iterable<T> iterable) inherited


void insertAll(int index, Iterable<E> iterable) {
  RangeError.checkValueInInterval(index, 0, length, "index");
  if (index == length) {
  if (iterable is! EfficientLengthIterable || identical(iterable, this)) {
    iterable = iterable.toList();
  int insertionLength = iterable.length;
  if (insertionLength == 0) {
  // There might be errors after the length change, in which case the list
  // will end up being modified but the operation not complete. Unless we
  // always go through a "toList" we can't really avoid that.
  int oldLength = length;
  for (int i = oldLength - insertionLength; i < oldLength; ++i) {
    add(this[i > 0 ? i : 0]);
  if (iterable.length != insertionLength) {
    // If the iterable's length is linked to this list's length somehow,
    // we can't insert one in the other.
    this.length -= insertionLength;
    throw ConcurrentModificationError(iterable);
  int oldCopyStart = index + insertionLength;
  if (oldCopyStart < oldLength) {
    setRange(oldCopyStart, oldLength, this, index);
  setAll(index, iterable);