Project: /_project.yaml Book: /_book.yaml


GainControl {:#GainControl}

Defined in

Enables control and monitoring of audio gain. This interface is typically a tear-off of other interfaces. For example, has a BindGainControl method that binds to a gain control that controls gain for the renderer.

SetGain {:#SetGain}

Sets the gain in decibels.


SetGainWithRamp {:#SetGainWithRamp}

Smoothly changes gain from its current value to specified value, over the specified duration (in milliseconds). If ‘duration_ns’ is 0, gain changes immediately. Otherwise, gain changes only while the stream is running.

Any active or pending ramp is cancelled by subsequent call to SetGain.

There can be at most 1 active ramp at any time. Any active or pending ramp is replaced by a later call to SetGainWithRamp (even if duration is 0). In this case gain would ramps directly from its most recent (mid-ramp) value to the newly-specified one, over the new duration, using the new easing.

Usage example (using time in seconds): Time 0 SetGainWithRamp(MUTED_GAIN_DB, 0, SCALE_LINEAR) // Ramp 1 SetGainWithRamp(0.0f, ZX_SEC(4), SCALE_LINEAR) // Ramp 2 Time 3 PlayNoReply(kNoTimestamp, any_media_time) Time 4 PauseNoReply() Time 7 PlayNoReply(kNoTimestamp, any_media_time) Time 8 SetGainWithRamp(MUTED_GAIN_DB, ZX_SEC(1), SCALE_LINEAR) // Ramp 3

Time 0: Ramp 1 completes immediately, changing the gain to MUTED_GAIN_DB. Ramp 2 is pending, since we are not in playback. Time 3, Ramp 2 begins ramping from MUTED_GAIN_DB to 0 dB (scale 0.0=>1.0). Time 4: Ramp 2 pauses (3s remain). Per SCALE_LINEAR, scale is approx. 0.25. Time 7: Ramp 2 resumes from most recent value toward the target. Time 8: Ramp 3 replaces Ramp 2 and starts from current scale (approx 0.5). Time 9: Ramp 3 completes; current scale value is now 0.0 (MUTED_GAIN_DB).


SetMute {:#SetMute}

Sets the mute value. Ramping and mute are fully independent, although they both affect the scaling that is applied.


OnGainMuteChanged {:#OnGainMuteChanged}

Notifies the client of changes in the current gain/mute values.


VolumeControl {:#VolumeControl}

Defined in

A protocol for controlling volume.

SetVolume {:#SetVolume}

Sets the volume of the audio element to the given value in [0.0, 1.0]. If the value is provided is outside of [0.0, 1.0], the value is clamped before application.


SetMute {:#SetMute}

Sets whether the controlled element is muted. Mute is not the same as setting volume to 0.0; volume will persist for the duration of a mute. If volume was 0.5 before mute, volume will resume at 0.5 following unmute.


OnVolumeMuteChanged {:#OnVolumeMuteChanged}

Emitted when the volume or mute state of the audio element changes.


NotifyVolumeMuteChangedHandled {:#NotifyVolumeMuteChangedHandled}

Acknowledges receipt of a volume or mute change event. Clients must acknowledge receipt to continue receiving events.


GainControl {:#GainControl}

Defined in

Enables control and monitoring of audio gain. This interface is typically a tear-off of other interfaces. For example, has a BindGainControl method that binds to a gain control that controls gain for the renderer.

SetGain {:#SetGain}

Sets the gain in decibels.


SetGainWithRamp {:#SetGainWithRamp}

Smoothly changes gain from its current value to specified value, over the specified duration (in milliseconds). If ‘duration_ns’ is 0, gain changes immediately. Otherwise, gain changes only while the stream is running.

Any active or pending ramp is cancelled by subsequent call to SetGain.

There can be at most 1 active ramp at any time. Any active or pending ramp is replaced by a later call to SetGainWithRamp (even if duration is 0). In this case gain would ramps directly from its most recent (mid-ramp) value to the newly-specified one, over the new duration, using the new easing.

Usage example (using time in seconds): Time 0 SetGainWithRamp(MUTED_GAIN_DB, 0, SCALE_LINEAR) // Ramp 1 SetGainWithRamp(0.0f, ZX_SEC(4), SCALE_LINEAR) // Ramp 2 Time 3 PlayNoReply(kNoTimestamp, any_media_time) Time 4 PauseNoReply() Time 7 PlayNoReply(kNoTimestamp, any_media_time) Time 8 SetGainWithRamp(MUTED_GAIN_DB, ZX_SEC(1), SCALE_LINEAR) // Ramp 3

Time 0: Ramp 1 completes immediately, changing the gain to MUTED_GAIN_DB. Ramp 2 is pending, since we are not in playback. Time 3, Ramp 2 begins ramping from MUTED_GAIN_DB to 0 dB (scale 0.0=>1.0). Time 4: Ramp 2 pauses (3s remain). Per SCALE_LINEAR, scale is approx. 0.25. Time 7: Ramp 2 resumes from most recent value toward the target. Time 8: Ramp 3 replaces Ramp 2 and starts from current scale (approx 0.5). Time 9: Ramp 3 completes; current scale value is now 0.0 (MUTED_GAIN_DB).


SetMute {:#SetMute}

Sets the mute value. Ramping and mute are fully independent, although they both affect the scaling that is applied.


OnGainMuteChanged {:#OnGainMuteChanged}

Notifies the client of changes in the current gain/mute values.


VolumeControl {:#VolumeControl}

Defined in

A protocol for controlling volume.

SetVolume {:#SetVolume}

Sets the volume of the audio element to the given value in [0.0, 1.0]. If the value is provided is outside of [0.0, 1.0], the value is clamped before application.


SetMute {:#SetMute}

Sets whether the controlled element is muted. Mute is not the same as setting volume to 0.0; volume will persist for the duration of a mute. If volume was 0.5 before mute, volume will resume at 0.5 following unmute.


OnVolumeMuteChanged {:#OnVolumeMuteChanged}

Emitted when the volume or mute state of the audio element changes.


NotifyVolumeMuteChangedHandled {:#NotifyVolumeMuteChangedHandled}

Acknowledges receipt of a volume or mute change event. Clients must acknowledge receipt to continue receiving events.



RampType {:#RampType}

Type: uint16

Defined in

Enumerates gain control ramp types.

RampType {:#RampType}

Type: uint16

Defined in

Enumerates gain control ramp types.