fx command

For help with specific subcommands, see Overview page.

usage: fx [--dir BUILD_DIR] [-d DEVICE_NAME] [-i] [-x] COMMAND [...]

Run Fuchsia development commands. Must be run either from a directory
that is contained in a Platform Source Tree or with the FUCHSIA_DIR
environment variable set to the root of a Platform Source Tree.

fx help flags: fx help [OPTION]
  --no-contrib      Hide contrib commands (see //tools/devshell/README.md)
  --deprecated      Do not hide deprecated commands

Global fx options: fx [OPTION]  ...
  --dir=BUILD_DIR       Path to the build directory to use when running COMMAND.
  -d=DEVICE[:SSH_PORT]  Target a specific device.
                        DEVICE may be a Fuchsia device name to be resolved using
                        device-finder or an IP address.
                        An IPv4 address must be specified directly, while an IPv6
                        need to be surrounded by brackets.
                        SSH_PORT, if specified, will be used for all commands
                        that rely on SSH to connect to the device instead of the
                        default SSH port (22).
                        Note: See "fx help set-device" for more help and to set
                        the default device for a BUILD_DIR.
  -i                    Iterative mode.  Repeat the command whenever a file is
                        modified under your Fuchsia directory, not including
  -x                    Print commands and their arguments as they are executed.
  -xx                   Print extra logging of the fx tool itself (implies -x)

fx source code