How-To: Write a Module in C++


A Module is a UI component that can participate in a [Story](link to story doc), potentially composed of many different Modules. A Module's lifecycle is tightly bound to the story to which it was added. In addition to the capabilities provided to all Peridot components via fuchsia::modular::ComponentContext, a Module is given additional capabilities via its fuchsia::modular::ModuleContext.


SimpleMod is a Module communicates with SimpleAgent via a fuchsia::modular::MessageQueue, and displays the messages from SimpleAgent on screen.

Mod Initialization

The first step to writing a Module is implementing the initializer.

#include <lib/component/cpp/startup_context.h>
#include <lib/app_driver/cpp/module_driver.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <ui/cpp/fidl.h>

namespace simple {

class SimpleModule : fuchsia::ui::viewsv1::ViewProvider {
			modular::ModuleHost* module_host,
			fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::ui::viewsv1::ViewProvider> view_provider_request)
			: view_provider_binding_(this) {

	modular::ModuleHost* module_host_;
	fidl::Binding<fuchsia::ui::viewsv1::ViewProvider> view_provider_binding_;
	std::set<std::unique_ptr<SimpleView>> views_;

}  // namespace simple

The ModuleHost provides SimpleModule with its StartupContext and fuchsia::modular::ModuleContext.

The ViewProvider request allows the system to connect to SimpleModule's view. TODO: Update guide to explain view connections.

Connecting to SimpleAgent

In order to provide SimpleAgent with a message queue SimpleModule first needs to connect to the agent via its fuchsia::modular::ComponentContext.

// Get the component context from the module context.
modular::fuchsia::modular::ComponentContextPtr component_context;

// Connect to the agent to retrieve it's outgoing services.
modular::fuchsia::modular::AgentControllerPtr agent_controller;
fuchsia::sys::ServiceProviderPtr agent_services;

Creating a fuchsia::modular::MessageQueue

SimpleModule needs to create a message queue and retrieve its token to hand it over to SimpleAgent so it can write messages to it.

// Request a new message queue from the component context.
modular::MessageQueueClient message_queue;

// Get the token for the message queue and send it to the agent.
    [agent_service = std::move(agent_service)](fidl::StringPtr token) {

Communicating with `SimpleAgent

In order to receive messages on the newly created message queue, SimpleModule registers a receiver callback with MessageQueueClient. Here, the receiver is a lambda that gets called with new messages.

// Register a callback with a message queue client that logs any
// messages that SimpleAgent sends
    [](std::string msg, fit::function<void()> ack) {
        FXL_LOG(INFO) << "New message: " << msg;

Running the Module

int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
  async::Loop loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigAttachToThread);
  auto context = component::StartupContext::CreateFromStartupInfo();
  modular::ModuleDriver<simple::SimpleModule> driver(context.get(),
                                                     [&loop] { loop.Quit(); });
  return 0;

ModuleDriver is a helper class that manages the Module's lifecyle. Here it is given a newly created StartupContext and a callback that will be executed when the Module exits. ModuleDriver requires SimpleModule to implement the constructor shown above, as well as a Terminate:

void Terminate(const std::function<void()>& done);

The module is responsible for calling done once its shutdown sequence is complete.