Module Resolution

Resolution is the process by which a Fuchsia fuchsia::modular::Intent, which represents an abstract or loosely specified action, is expanded into a set of concrete Module implementations for execution and ranked by relevance to a provided context.

Resolution is provided indirectly by the Modular Framework through calls on either the fuchsia::modular::ModuleContext (for Module clients) or the fuchsia::modular::StoryController (for privileged platform clients). Specifically, clients would call either fuchsia::modular::ModuleContext.StartModule() or fuchsia::modular::StoryController.fuchsia::modular::AddModule().

TODO: add detail and other entry-points for creating Modules from Daisies.

This document outlines what happens behind the scenes of those two calls.

The fuchsia::modular::ModuleResolver

The fuchsia::modular::ModuleResolver is the FIDL service that provides Module Resolution to its clients. It is only accessible directly by the Framework and other privileged platform components. Nonetheless, the process is fundamental to the user experience in Fuchsia and warrants its own public documentation.



  • A fuchsia::modular::Intent: defines Module constraints based on desired action and/or instances of runtime data.
  • A ScoringInfo struct: informs the fuchsia::modular::ModuleResolver on how to score and rank the results, including the scope of context signals that may affect ranking.



A ranked list of fuchsia::modular::ModuleResolverResult. Contains all the data necessary to initialize a specific Module instance backed by an executable.

Resolution Steps

1. Noun translation/extraction


2. Retrieval


3. Filtering


4. Ranking