Module Metadata File

Status: DRAFT

A Module metadata file defines the runtime capabilities of a single Module (TODO: link). A Module expresses its capabilities by providing a description of an implementation for an actions (TODO: link to action/action template doc).

The file is part of a Fuchsia package (TODO: link), is named module and placed within the meta/ of the package.

The module file contents are a JSON-encoded object (JSON schema available here) that defines a single action implementation.

Example module metadata file

Following are two sample module files. Each describes a Module that implements different actions.

  "binary": "bin/myPersonPreviewer",
  "suggestion_headline": "See details about person",
  "action": "",
  "parameters": [
      "name": "entityToPreview",
      "type": ""
  "composition_pattern": "ticker"
  "binary": "bin/myContactPicker",
  "suggestion_headline": "Pick an instagram friend",
  "action": "",
  "parameters": [
      "name": "source",
      "type": ""
      "name": "picked",
      "type": ""

Detailed description

Let's break down one of the examples above and go through the properties in detail.

Attributes that define behavior


"binary": "bin/myPreviewer",

Specifies the relative path from the root of the package where the Module executable file can be found. Different action implementations within the same package can share a single binary.


TODO(thatguy): If we keep this, expand it to support templating based on the entity args.

"suggestion_headline": "See details about person",

The suggestion_headline attribute provides human-readable text. It will be used if this Module is suggested for inclusion in the current Story.


"action": "",

NOTE: The exactly format of the action attribute is likely to evolve.

The action attribute identifies which action this Module implements. This dictates the semantic function of this Module, as well as the role of each parameter.

The action must match an action name in an associated meta/action_template file.

TODO(thatguy): Add information about where actions are discoverable.


"parameters": [
    "name": "entityToPreview",
    "type": ""

In the action template, the parameters are given names but not assigned concrete fuchsia::modular::Entity types (TODO link). Here, we constrain this action implementation to operate on a specific set of fuchsia::modular::Entity types.

Each parameter in the action template gets an entry in parameter_constraints. Each entry is made up of the following fields:

  • name: this is the name of the parameter given in the action template

  • type: an fuchsia::modular::Entity types.

    TODO(thatguy): Add information about where entity types & schemas are discoverable.

    TODO(thatguy): The semantics of type doesn't make a lot of sense for output or maybe input/output parameters.

At runtime, this Module will communicate with its parent (the invoker of the Module) through multiple fuchsia::modular::Link interfaces. The fuchsia::modular::Link enforces the typing described here, making any attempt to write an fuchsia::modular::Entity with an incompatible type an error.


"composition_pattern": "ticker",

Specifies the composition pattern with which the module will shown with existing module(s) in the story. For example, the ticker pattern described above gives a signal to the story shell that the module should be placed below another module that it may share a link with.

Currently supported patterns: ticker: Shown at the bottom of the screen underneath another module. comments-right: Shown to the right of another module.

NOTE: the set of the patterns supported and their names will likely evolve with time.

outgoing services


Attributes that define display constraints