[modular][storycontroller] Remove implementation of StartContainerInShell().

This is deprecated & has a single client (an example app in topaz/).


Change-Id: I700624fe5913ada448aa7c0032b8a7bc91e376fc
diff --git a/bin/sessionmgr/story_runner/module_context_impl.cc b/bin/sessionmgr/story_runner/module_context_impl.cc
index c2fb931..ba5604c 100644
--- a/bin/sessionmgr/story_runner/module_context_impl.cc
+++ b/bin/sessionmgr/story_runner/module_context_impl.cc
@@ -98,15 +98,7 @@
     std::vector<fuchsia::modular::ContainerLayout> layout,
     std::vector<fuchsia::modular::ContainerRelationEntry> relationships,
     std::vector<fuchsia::modular::ContainerNode> nodes) {
-  std::vector<fuchsia::modular::ContainerNodePtr> node_ptrs;
-  node_ptrs.reserve(nodes.size());
-  for (auto& i : nodes) {
-    node_ptrs.push_back(fidl::MakeOptional(std::move(i)));
-  }
-  story_controller_impl_->StartContainerInShell(
-      module_data_->module_path, name,
-      fidl::MakeOptional(std::move(parent_relation)), std::move(layout),
-      std::move(relationships), std::move(node_ptrs));
+  FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "ModuleContext.StartContainerInShell() not implemented.";
 void ModuleContextImpl::GetComponentContext(
diff --git a/bin/sessionmgr/story_runner/story_controller_impl.cc b/bin/sessionmgr/story_runner/story_controller_impl.cc
index 4a196fc..0cda4a3 100644
--- a/bin/sessionmgr/story_runner/story_controller_impl.cc
+++ b/bin/sessionmgr/story_runner/story_controller_impl.cc
@@ -890,100 +890,6 @@
-class StoryControllerImpl::StartContainerInShellCall : public Operation<> {
- public:
-  StartContainerInShellCall(
-      StoryControllerImpl* const story_controller_impl,
-      std::vector<std::string> parent_module_path,
-      std::string container_name,
-      fuchsia::modular::SurfaceRelationPtr parent_relation,
-      std::vector<fuchsia::modular::ContainerLayout> layout,
-      std::vector<fuchsia::modular::ContainerRelationEntry> relationships,
-      std::vector<fuchsia::modular::ContainerNodePtr> nodes)
-      : Operation("StoryControllerImpl::StartContainerInShellCall", [] {}),
-        story_controller_impl_(story_controller_impl),
-        parent_module_path_(std::move(parent_module_path)),
-        container_name_(container_name),
-        parent_relation_(std::move(parent_relation)),
-        layout_(std::move(layout)),
-        relationships_(std::move(relationships)),
-        nodes_(std::move(nodes)) {
-    for (auto& relationship : relationships_) {
-      relation_map_[relationship.node_name] = CloneOptional(relationship);
-    }
-  }
- private:
-  void Run() override {
-    FlowToken flow{this};
-    // parent + container used as module path of requesting module for
-    // containers
-    std::vector<std::string> module_path = parent_module_path_;
-    // module_path.push_back(container_name_);
-    // Adding non-module 'container_name_' to the module path results in
-    // Ledger Client issuing a ReadData() call and failing with a fatal error
-    // when module_data cannot be found
-    // TODO(djmurphy): follow up, probably make containers modules
-    std::vector<FuturePtr<fuchsia::modular::StartModuleStatus>> did_add_intents;
-    did_add_intents.reserve(nodes_.size());
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes_.size(); ++i) {
-      auto did_add_intent = Future<fuchsia::modular::StartModuleStatus>::Create(
-          "StoryControllerImpl.StartContainerInShellCall.Run.did_add_intent");
-      auto intent = fuchsia::modular::Intent::New();
-      nodes_.at(i)->intent.Clone(intent.get());
-      operation_queue_.Add(new AddIntentCall(
-          story_controller_impl_, parent_module_path_,
-          nodes_.at(i)->node_name, std::move(intent),
-          nullptr /* module_controller_request */,
-          fidl::MakeOptional(
-              relation_map_[nodes_.at(i)->node_name]->relationship),
-          nullptr /* view_owner_request */,
-          fuchsia::modular::ModuleSource::INTERNAL,
-          did_add_intent->Completer()));
-      did_add_intents.emplace_back(did_add_intent);
-    }
-    Wait<Future<>>("StoryControllerImpl.StartContainerInShellCall.Run.Wait",
-                   did_add_intents)
-        ->Then([this, flow] {
-          if (!story_controller_impl_->story_shell_) {
-            return;
-          }
-          std::vector<fuchsia::modular::ContainerView> views(nodes_.size());
-          for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes_.size(); i++) {
-            fuchsia::modular::ContainerView view;
-            view.node_name = nodes_.at(i)->node_name;
-            view.owner = std::move(node_views_[nodes_.at(i)->node_name]);
-            views.at(i) = std::move(view);
-          }
-          story_controller_impl_->story_shell_->AddContainer(
-              container_name_, ModulePathToSurfaceID(parent_module_path_),
-              std::move(*parent_relation_), std::move(layout_),
-              std::move(relationships_), std::move(views));
-        });
-  }
-  StoryControllerImpl* const story_controller_impl_;  // not owned
-  OperationQueue operation_queue_;
-  const std::vector<std::string> parent_module_path_;
-  const std::string container_name_;
-  fuchsia::modular::SurfaceRelationPtr parent_relation_;
-  std::vector<fuchsia::modular::ContainerLayout> layout_;
-  std::vector<fuchsia::modular::ContainerRelationEntry> relationships_;
-  const std::vector<fuchsia::modular::ContainerNodePtr> nodes_;
-  std::map<std::string, fuchsia::modular::ContainerRelationEntryPtr>
-      relation_map_;
-  // map of node_name to view_owners
-  std::map<std::string, fuchsia::ui::viewsv1token::ViewOwnerPtr>
-      node_views_;
-  FXL_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(StartContainerInShellCall);
 class StoryControllerImpl::StartCall : public Operation<> {
@@ -1344,17 +1250,6 @@
-void StoryControllerImpl::StartContainerInShell(
-    const std::vector<std::string>& parent_module_path,
-    std::string name, fuchsia::modular::SurfaceRelationPtr parent_relation,
-    std::vector<fuchsia::modular::ContainerLayout> layout,
-    std::vector<fuchsia::modular::ContainerRelationEntry> relationships,
-    std::vector<fuchsia::modular::ContainerNodePtr> nodes) {
-  operation_queue_.Add(new StartContainerInShellCall(
-      this, parent_module_path, name, std::move(parent_relation),
-      std::move(layout), std::move(relationships), std::move(nodes)));
 void StoryControllerImpl::ProcessPendingViews() {
   // NOTE(mesch): As it stands, this machinery to send modules in traversal
   // order to the story shell is N^3 over the lifetime of the story, where N
diff --git a/bin/sessionmgr/story_runner/story_controller_impl.h b/bin/sessionmgr/story_runner/story_controller_impl.h
index a9b6d23dac..c72b43c 100644
--- a/bin/sessionmgr/story_runner/story_controller_impl.h
+++ b/bin/sessionmgr/story_runner/story_controller_impl.h
@@ -130,15 +130,6 @@
       fuchsia::modular::ModuleSource module_source,
       std::function<void(fuchsia::modular::StartModuleStatus)> callback);
-  // Called by ModuleContextImpl.
-  void StartContainerInShell(
-      const std::vector<std::string>& parent_module_path,
-      std::string name,
-      fuchsia::modular::SurfaceRelationPtr parent_relation,
-      std::vector<fuchsia::modular::ContainerLayout> layout,
-      std::vector<fuchsia::modular::ContainerRelationEntry> relationships,
-      std::vector<fuchsia::modular::ContainerNodePtr> nodes);
   // Stops the module at |module_path| in response to a call to
   // |ModuleContext.RemoveSelfFromStory|.
   void RemoveModuleFromStory(
@@ -337,7 +328,6 @@
   class OnModuleDataUpdatedCall;
   class ResolveParameterCall;
   class StartCall;
-  class StartContainerInShellCall;
   class StopCall;
   class StopModuleCall;
   class StopModuleAndStoryIfEmptyCall;
diff --git a/public/fidl/fuchsia.modular/module/module_context.fidl b/public/fidl/fuchsia.modular/module/module_context.fidl
index 09540cc..286f3c9 100644
--- a/public/fidl/fuchsia.modular/module/module_context.fidl
+++ b/public/fidl/fuchsia.modular/module/module_context.fidl
@@ -46,17 +46,13 @@
     /// the view of the requested Module instance in the view of the requesting
     /// Module instance, instead of relying on the story shell for display. If a
     /// Module instance with the same [name] and [intent] is already running,
-    /// [view_owner] is just closed.
+    /// [view_owner] is closed.
     3: EmbedModule(string name, Intent intent,
                    request<ModuleController> module_controller,
                    request<fuchsia.ui.viewsv1token.ViewOwner> view_owner)
            -> (StartModuleStatus status);
-    /// Like StartModule(), but starts multiple modules simultaneously and
-    /// specifies a custom layout for them (aka container).
-    ///
-    /// There are multiple layouts specified, for different screen sizes etc.
+    /// DEPRECATED: no longer implemented.
     6: StartContainerInShell(string container_name,
                              SurfaceRelation parent_relation,
                              vector<ContainerLayout> layout,
@@ -76,19 +72,11 @@
     10: RequestFocus();
     /// DEPRECATED in favor of using StartOngoingActivity().
-    ///
-    /// Declares that activity is ongoing in this module. This information is
-    /// forwarded to the session shell (cf. StoryProvider.WatchActivity()
-    /// and StoryProviderWatcher), which may use it and the frequency at which it
-    /// receives these calls to determine to keep the story of this module in
-    /// focus. The module should call this method regularly while activity is
-    /// ongoing. Once the activity ceases, the module should just not issue calls
-    /// anymore. See StoryProviderWatcher for more motivation.
     11: Active();
     /// When a module calls [RemoveSelfFromStory()] the framework will stop the
     /// module and remove it from the story. If there are no more running modules
-    /// in the story the story will be stopped.
+    /// in the story the story will be deleted.
     16: RemoveSelfFromStory();
     /// Requests to update the visibility state of the current story within the