
Status: DRAFT

The Fuchsia entity model facilitates information interchange by defining a common interface for describing, referencing, and accessing data objects (entities) which are shared between components running on the Fuchsia platform. It consists of the following major concepts:

  • entities: the data objects described by the model
  • entity types: the way different kinds of entities are distinguished
  • entity references: a serializable token that can be used to retrieve an entity handle
  • entity providers: the extensible means by which entities are made available to the system and to other components independent of their source
  • entity resolver: a Fuchsia API for accessing an entity given a reference

Here are some ways entities can be used:

  • copy/paste via the clipboard
  • describing a contact card
  • attaching images and files to an email
  • providing a programmatic interface to create, view, and change calendar events independent of any specific calendar provider
  • decoupling presentation components from data sources
  • indicating the focused elements of a story and persisting them across restarts
  • enabling the assistant to inspect and manipulate entities present in the current context or seen in the past

What are Entities?

An entity is an identifiable person, place, thing, event, or concept which is represented within the Fuchsia platform as a structured data object which can be referenced, retrieved, presented, manipulated, or shared.

This use of the term “entity” has parallels in the fields of databases, information extraction, and ontology.

Fuchsia entities have the following characteristics:

  • types: indicate the representations and intended interpretations of the entity’s content, often denoting a particular schema
  • content: data which can be retrieved from the entity, often in the form of structured properties or binary data as required by the entity’s type
  • provider (TODO): the provider of an entity is the component through which the content of the entity is accessed
  • reference: a token which is used to locate the entity provider from which the content of the entity can be retrieved (or modified through actions)

Fuchsia entities come in two flavors:

  • transient entities: represent objects which exist only at runtime as a means of transmitting structured data, examples:
    • a paragraph of text which has been copied to the clipboard and which retains no connection to its original source
    • a phone number which has been extracted from content
    • an image which has been captured but not saved anywhere
  • persistent entities: represent objects for which a durable record is being maintained by an entity provider, examples:
    • an email thread
    • a photo in the camera roll or in the cloud
    • a contact card
    • a calendar event

How to create an fuchsia::modular::Entity

It is currently possible to create transient entities by using the EntityStore available in the application namespace for both Modules and Agents.

EntityStore can create transient Entities from a list of types and content arrays.

In Dart:

final EntityStoreProxy entityStore = new EntityStoreProxy();
connectToService(context.environmentServices, entityStore.ctrl);
final myType = <unique type identifier>;
final myContent = <uint8 array>;
entityStore.createEntity([myType], [myContent], (final EntityProxy entity) {
  // Do something with |entity|

In C++: TODO

How to retrieve an fuchsia::modular::Entity

If you have an EntityReference (which is available by calling fuchsia::modular::Entity.getReference() on any fuchsia::modular::Entity instance), you can retrieve a handle to it by using the fuchsia::modular::EntityResolver service available in the application namespace. Both Modules and Agents have this service available.

In Dart:

final EntityProxy entity = new EntityProxy();
final EntityResolverProxy entityResolver = new EntityResolverProxy();
connectToService(context.environmentServices, entityResolver.ctrl);
entityResolver.getEntity(entityReference, entity.ctrl);
// Do something with |entity|

In C++: TODO