Entity Types

Status: DRAFT

This is a stand-in for a future schematic metadata system for Entities. For now, it is used to specify schemas for schematic content in the cases where that is relevant to clients creating Entities.

In Fuchsia, data sharing between system and application components is a central part of enabling interesting and powerful user experiences. To promote interoperability, Fuchsia includes an Entity runtime primitive, which represents structured data. An Entity can represent data of multiple types. A type indicates both the semantics of the data as access patterns.

Entity types and, if relevant, their schemas for schematic data, are published and public to everyone.

Defining Entity types in a JSON file

TODO(thatguy): Add information about where these schemas are discoverable.

Entity types and schemas are defined in file with a JSON-encoded list of dictionaries with the following format (JSON schema available here):

    "name": "https://types.fuchsia.io/FirstType",
    "schema": "path/to/schema.json"
    "name": "https://types.fuchsia.io/SecondType",
    "schema": ...

name is a string identifier that must be unqiue within this metadata file.

schema is a path to a file within the package that contains a JSON Schema.

Any number of Entity types can be defined in one file.