blob: 21bf3eaf61a007f3da8475853fadd8910d4898d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
//! The Ed25519 signature algorithm.
use boringssl::{ed25519_keypair, ed25519_keypair_from_seed, ed25519_sign, ed25519_verify};
use public::{PrivateKey, PublicKey, Signature};
use util::Sealed;
use Error;
const ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN: usize = ::boringssl::ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN as usize;
const ED25519_PRIVATE_KEY_LEN: usize = ::boringssl::ED25519_PRIVATE_KEY_LEN as usize;
const ED25519_SIGNATURE_LEN: usize = ::boringssl::ED25519_SIGNATURE_LEN as usize;
// BoringSSL stores both a private and a public key in their private key
// representation. The private key comes first, followed by the public key.
/// An Ed25519 public key.
pub struct Ed25519PubKey {
key: [u8; ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN],
impl Ed25519PubKey {
/// Constructs a new public key from bytes.
pub fn from_bytes(bytes: [u8; ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN]) -> Ed25519PubKey {
Ed25519PubKey { key: bytes }
/// Gets the raw bytes of the public key.
pub fn bytes(&self) -> &[u8; ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN] {
impl_debug!(Ed25519PubKey, "Ed25519PubKey");
impl Sealed for Ed25519PubKey {}
impl PublicKey for Ed25519PubKey {
type Private = Ed25519PrivKey;
/// An Ed25519 private key.
/// An `Ed25519PrivKey` actually includes both the private key and the public
/// key in order to make multiple key signing operations with the same key more
/// efficient.
pub struct Ed25519PrivKey {
key: [u8; ED25519_PRIVATE_KEY_LEN],
impl_debug!(Ed25519PrivKey, "Ed25519PrivKey");
impl Ed25519PrivKey {
/// Generates a new private key.
pub fn generate() -> Ed25519PrivKey {
Ed25519PrivKey {
key: ed25519_keypair(),
/// Constructs a new private key from a key pair.
/// Usually, an Ed25519 private key will be stored as a single 64-byte blob:
/// the 32-byte private key followed by the 32-byte public key. However, we
/// accept the two keys as separate arguments in case they are stored
/// separately.
pub fn from_key_pair_bytes(private: [u8; 32], public: &Ed25519PubKey) -> Ed25519PrivKey {
let mut key = [0u8; ED25519_PRIVATE_KEY_LEN];
(&mut key[..32]).copy_from_slice(&private);
(&mut key[ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_OFFSET..]).copy_from_slice(&public.key);
Ed25519PrivKey { key }
/// Constructs a new private key.
/// Unlike [`from_key_pair_bytes`], `from_private_key_bytes` reconstructs
/// the key (which includes both the private key and the public key
/// internally) from only the private key.
/// [`from_key_pair_bytes`]: ::public::ed25519::Ed25519PrivKey::from_key_pair_bytes
pub fn from_private_key_bytes(private: [u8; 32]) -> Ed25519PrivKey {
let (_, key) = ed25519_keypair_from_seed(&private);
Ed25519PrivKey { key }
/// Gets the raw bytes of the private key.
pub fn bytes(&self) -> &[u8; ED25519_PRIVATE_KEY_LEN] {
impl Sealed for Ed25519PrivKey {}
impl PrivateKey for Ed25519PrivKey {
type Public = Ed25519PubKey;
fn public(&self) -> Ed25519PubKey {
let mut public = [0u8; ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN];
(&mut public[..]).copy_from_slice(&self.key[ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_OFFSET..]);
Ed25519PubKey { key: public }
/// An Ed25519 signature.
pub struct Ed25519Signature {
sig: [u8; ED25519_SIGNATURE_LEN],
impl_debug!(Ed25519Signature, "Ed25519Signature");
impl Ed25519Signature {
/// Constructs an `Ed25519Signature` signature from raw bytes.
pub fn from_bytes(bytes: [u8; ED25519_SIGNATURE_LEN]) -> Ed25519Signature {
Ed25519Signature { sig: bytes }
/// Gets the raw bytes of the signature.
pub fn bytes(&self) -> &[u8; ED25519_SIGNATURE_LEN] {
/// Sign a message.
/// `Ed25519Signature` implements [`Signature`], but `Signature`'s [`sign`]
/// function conservatively returns a `Result`. Ed25519 signatures never
/// fail, so this function is provided to allow the user to compute an
/// Ed25519 signature without having to perform error checking.
/// [`Signature`]: ::public::Signature
/// [`sign`]: ::public::Signature::sign
pub fn sign_ed25519(key: &Ed25519PrivKey, message: &[u8]) -> Ed25519Signature {
Ed25519Signature {
// ED25519_sign can only return an error on OOM
sig: ed25519_sign(message, &key.key).unwrap(),
impl Sealed for Ed25519Signature {}
impl Signature for Ed25519Signature {
type PrivateKey = Ed25519PrivKey;
/// Sign a message.
/// Though the [`Signature`] trait requires that [`sign`] return a `Result`,
/// `Ed25519Signature`'s implementation is guaranteed to always return `Ok`.
/// Callers may prefer the [`sign_ed25519`] function, which returns an
/// `Ed25519Signature` rather than a `Result`.
/// [`Signature`]: ::public::Signature
/// [`sign`]: ::public::Signature::sign
/// [`sign_ed25519`]: ::public::ed25519::Ed25519Signature::sign_ed25519
fn sign(key: &Ed25519PrivKey, message: &[u8]) -> Result<Ed25519Signature, Error> {
Ok(Ed25519Signature::sign_ed25519(key, message))
fn verify(&self, key: &Ed25519PubKey, message: &[u8]) -> bool {
ed25519_verify(message, &self.sig, &key.key)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use public::testutil::test_signature_smoke;
fn test_priv_key_constructors() {
let key = Ed25519PrivKey::generate();
let mut private = [0u8; 32];
(&mut private[..]).copy_from_slice(&key.key[..32]);
let key2 = Ed25519PrivKey::from_private_key_bytes(private);
assert_eq!(&key.key[..], &key2.key[..]);
let mut private = [0u8; 32];
let mut public = [0u8; 32];
let bytes = *key.bytes();
(&mut private[..]).copy_from_slice(&bytes[..32]);
(&mut public[..]).copy_from_slice(&bytes[32..]);
let key2 = Ed25519PrivKey::from_key_pair_bytes(private, &Ed25519PubKey::from_bytes(public));
assert_eq!(&key.key[..], &key2.key[..]);
fn test_smoke() {
let key = Ed25519PrivKey::generate();
let from_bytes = |bytes: &[u8]| {
let mut sig = [0u8; ED25519_SIGNATURE_LEN];
let len = ::std::cmp::min(sig.len(), bytes.len());
(&mut sig[..len]).copy_from_slice(&bytes[..len]);
// for some reason, defining this as a closure results in type inference
// issues that aren't worth debugging
fn to_bytes(sig: &Ed25519Signature) -> &[u8] {
test_signature_smoke(&key, from_bytes, to_bytes);