Dart dependency in Fuchsia

The Fuchsia build pulls a version of the Dart SDK that matches the version used in Flutter. The revision field in dart should match the dart_revision value in Flutter's DEPS file. The other entries in dart and dart_third_party_pkg should correspond to the values in the Dart SDK deps file.

Updating Fuchsia's version of Dart

  • Update flutter/engine
  • Update the dart manifest's revision field of the external/github.com/dart-lang/sdk entry.
  • If needed, update the other revision fields in the dart manifest, for example observatory_pub_packages.
  • Update your local tree by running jiri update -local-manifest=true
  • Update the dart_third_party_pkg manifest by running //dart/tools/create_pkg_manifest.py
  • Build and verify that everything works
  • Land the changes

The manifests dart_head and dart_third_party_pkg_head pull the Dart SDK sources from top-of-tree. dart_third_party_pkg_head will need to be periodically updated with //dart/tools/create_pkg_manifest.py as well.