blob: 2d24293fe45a439331ca43097a35a00464580645 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Author: (Nevena Lazic)
#include "lossmin/losses/inner-product-loss-function.h"
#include <math.h>
namespace lossmin {
float InnerProductLossFunction::LossCurvature(
const InstanceSet &instances) const {
float data_curvature = (instances.cwiseProduct(instances) *
return curvature_ * data_curvature;
void InnerProductLossFunction::PerCoordinateCurvature(
const InstanceSet &instances, VectorXf *per_coordinate_curvature) const {
*per_coordinate_curvature =
VectorXf::Ones(instances.rows()).transpose() *
instances.cwiseProduct(instances) / instances.rows();
*per_coordinate_curvature *= curvature_;
float InnerProductLossFunction::ExampleLoss(
const Weights &weights, const InstanceSet &instances,
const LabelSet &labels, int example) const {
float inner_product = instances.innerVector(example).dot(weights);
return InnerProductExampleLoss(inner_product, labels.coeff(example, 0));
void InnerProductLossFunction::AddExampleGradient(
const Weights &weights, const InstanceSet &instances,
const LabelSet &labels, int example, float weights_scale,
float example_scale, Weights *gradient) const {
float inner_product = instances.innerVector(example).dot(weights);
if (weights_scale != 1.0f) inner_product *= weights_scale;
float inner_product_gradient =
InnerProductExampleGradient(inner_product, labels.coeff(example, 0));
if (example_scale != 1.0f) inner_product_gradient *= example_scale;
if (synchronous_update()) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(gradient_update_mutex_);
for (InstanceSet::InnerIterator it(instances, example); it; ++it) {
gradient->coeffRef(it.index()) += inner_product_gradient * it.value();
} else {
for (InstanceSet::InnerIterator it(instances, example); it; ++it) {
gradient->coeffRef(it.index()) += inner_product_gradient * it.value();
void InnerProductLossFunction::ExampleGradient(
const Weights &weights, const InstanceSet &instances,
const LabelSet &labels, int example, float weights_scale,
float example_scale,
std::vector<std::pair<int, float>> *example_gradient) const {
float inner_product = instances.innerVector(example).dot(weights);
if (weights_scale != 1.0f) inner_product *= weights_scale;
float inner_product_gradient =
InnerProductExampleGradient(inner_product, labels.coeff(example, 0));
if (example_scale != 1.0f) inner_product_gradient *= example_scale;
int i = 0;
for (InstanceSet::InnerIterator it(instances, example); it; ++it) {
example_gradient->at(i++) =
std::make_pair(it.index(), inner_product_gradient * it.value());
// Assigns labels to 'instances' given 'weights'.
void InnerProductLossFunction::PredictLabels(
const Weights &weights, const InstanceSet &instances,
LabelSet *labels) const {
// Compute inner products.
VectorXf inner_products = instances * weights;
// Assign labels by calling InnerProductAssignLabel coefficientwise on
// 'inner_products'.
std::function<float(float)> assign_label_ptr =
this, std::placeholders::_1);
*labels = inner_products.unaryExpr(assign_label_ptr);
} // namespace lossmin