blob: 528628a1e507c81231eedc1b775b56a168ed5f83 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <assert.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "native_client/src/untrusted/nacl/syscall_bindings_trampoline.h"
#include "native_client/src/untrusted/valgrind/dynamic_annotations.h"
#include "native_client/tests/common/register_set.h"
struct NaClSignalContext g_expected_regs;
jmp_buf g_return_jmp_buf;
char g_stack[0x1000];
/* We use 'volatile' because we spin waiting for this variable to be set. */
volatile int32_t g_stack_in_use;
volatile struct NaClSignalContext g_initial_thread_regs;
* Modify expected_regs to reflect how the current implementations of
* NaClSwitch() leave the register state on entry to untrusted code.
void SetNaClSwitchExpectations(struct NaClSignalContext *expected_regs) {
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
* The context switch contains an "xorl %rN, %rN" to zero %rN which
* also has the effect of resetting flags (at least those recorded
* by REGS_SAVER_FUNC) to the following:
* bit 0: CF=0 (always set to 0 by xor)
* bit 2: PF=1 (bottom 8 bits of result have even number of 1s)
* bit 6: ZF=1 (set since result of xor is zero)
* bit 7: SF=0 (top bit of result)
* bit 11: OF=0 (always set to 0 by xor)
expected_regs->flags = (1 << 2) | (1 << 6);
#if defined(__i386__)
/* The current implementation sets %edx to the return address. */
expected_regs->edx = expected_regs->prog_ctr;
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
* The current implementation sets %r11 to the %r15-extended return
* address. Note that sandbox-base-address-hiding relies on not
* leaking this 64-bit address into any other register.
expected_regs->r11 = expected_regs->prog_ctr;
/* NaCl always sets %rdi (argument 1) as if it is calling _start. */
expected_regs->rdi = (uintptr_t) expected_regs->stack_ptr + 8;
#elif defined(__arm__)
/* The current implementation sets r1 to the return address. */
expected_regs->r1 = expected_regs->prog_ctr;
* When starting a new thread, NaCl sets r0 (argument 1) as if it is
* calling _start.
expected_regs->r0 = expected_regs->stack_ptr;
#elif defined(__mips__)
/* The current implementation sets t9 to the return address. */
expected_regs->t9 = expected_regs->prog_ctr;
* Value from the return register v0 is put in input register a0 when
* a new thread is started. For the start of a new thread, expected
* stack pointer value is put in these registers.
expected_regs->a0 = expected_regs->stack_ptr;
expected_regs->v0 = expected_regs->stack_ptr;
REGS_SAVER_FUNC(ContinueAfterSyscall, CheckRegistersAfterSyscall);
void CheckRegistersAfterSyscall(struct NaClSignalContext *regs) {
/* Ignore the register containing the return value. */
#if defined(__i386__)
g_expected_regs.eax = regs->eax;
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
g_expected_regs.rax = regs->rax;
#elif defined(__arm__)
g_expected_regs.r0 = regs->r0;
#elif defined(__mips__)
g_expected_regs.v0 = regs->v0;
/* NaClSwitch sets registers a0 and v0 to the same value. */
g_expected_regs.a0 = regs->v0;
# error Unsupported architecture
RegsAssertEqual(regs, &g_expected_regs);
longjmp(g_return_jmp_buf, 1);
/* This tests a NaCl syscall that takes no arguments. */
void TestSyscall(uintptr_t syscall_addr) {
struct NaClSignalContext call_regs;
char stack[0x10000];
RegsFillTestValues(&call_regs, /* seed= */ 0);
call_regs.stack_ptr = (uintptr_t) stack + sizeof(stack);
call_regs.prog_ctr = (uintptr_t) ContinueAfterSyscall;
g_expected_regs = call_regs;
if (!setjmp(g_return_jmp_buf)) {
#if defined(__i386__)
call_regs.eax = syscall_addr;
"push $ContinueAfterSyscall\n" /* Push return address */
"nacljmp %%eax\n");
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
* This fast path syscall happens to preserve various registers,
* but that is obviously not guaranteed by the ABI.
if (syscall_addr == (uintptr_t) NACL_SYSCALL(tls_get) ||
syscall_addr == (uintptr_t) NACL_SYSCALL(second_tls_get)) {
/* Undo some effects of RegsUnsetNonCalleeSavedRegisters(). */
g_expected_regs.rsi = call_regs.rsi;
g_expected_regs.rdi = call_regs.rdi;
g_expected_regs.r8 = call_regs.r8;
g_expected_regs.r9 = call_regs.r9;
g_expected_regs.r10 = call_regs.r10;
* The current implementation clobbers %rcx with the
* non-%r15-extended return address.
g_expected_regs.rcx = (uint32_t) g_expected_regs.prog_ctr;
call_regs.rax = syscall_addr;
"push $ContinueAfterSyscall\n" /* Push return address */
"nacljmp %%eax, %%r15\n");
#elif defined(__arm__)
call_regs.r1 = syscall_addr; /* Scratch register */ = (uintptr_t) ContinueAfterSyscall; /* Return address */
"bic r1, r1, #0xf000000f\n"
"bx r1\n");
#elif defined(__mips__)
call_regs.t9 = syscall_addr; /* Scratch register */
call_regs.return_addr = (uintptr_t) ContinueAfterSyscall; /* Return */
"and $t9, $t9, $t6\n"
"jr $t9\n"
# error Unsupported architecture
assert(!"Should not reach here");
REGS_SAVER_FUNC(ThreadFuncWrapper, ThreadFunc);
void ThreadFunc(struct NaClSignalContext *regs) {
g_initial_thread_regs = *regs;
NACL_SYSCALL(thread_exit)((int32_t *) &g_stack_in_use);
assert(!"Should not reach here");
* This tests that when a new thread is created, untrusted code is
* entered with well-defined register state. None of the registers
* should come from uninitialised values.
void TestInitialRegsAtThreadEntry(void) {
char *stack_top = g_stack + sizeof(g_stack);
uintptr_t aligned_stack_top =
((uintptr_t) stack_top & ~NACL_STACK_ALIGN_MASK)
* We do not care about TLS for this test, but sel_ldr rejects a
* zero tls argument, so use an arbitrary non-zero value.
char *tls = (char *) 0x1000;
g_stack_in_use = 1;
int rc = NACL_SYSCALL(thread_create)((void *) (uintptr_t) ThreadFuncWrapper,
stack_top, tls, 0);
assert(rc == 0);
/* Spin until the thread exits. */
while (g_stack_in_use) {
struct NaClSignalContext actual_regs = g_initial_thread_regs;
struct NaClSignalContext expected_regs;
/* By default, we expect registers to be initialised to zero. */
memset(&expected_regs, 0, sizeof(expected_regs));
expected_regs.prog_ctr = (uintptr_t) ThreadFuncWrapper;
expected_regs.stack_ptr = aligned_stack_top - NACL_STACK_ARGS_SIZE;
#if defined(__x86_64__)
/* NaCl happens to initialise %rbp to be the same as %rsp. */
expected_regs.rbp = expected_regs.stack_ptr;
RegsAssertEqual(&actual_regs, &expected_regs);
int main(void) {
printf("Testing null syscall...\n");
TestSyscall((uintptr_t) NACL_SYSCALL(null));
* Check tls_get and second_tls_get specifically because they are
* implemented via fast paths in assembly code.
printf("Testing tls_get syscall...\n");
TestSyscall((uintptr_t) NACL_SYSCALL(tls_get));
printf("Testing second_tls_get syscall...\n");
TestSyscall((uintptr_t) NACL_SYSCALL(second_tls_get));
printf("Testing initial register state at thread entry...\n");
return 0;