blob: 8313d34ffe2a799422096b8125239b8ae11f02b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package timing implements utilities for tracking timing information.
package timing
import (
// nowFunc is used rather than direct calls to time.Now to allow tests to inject
// different clock functions.
var nowFunc = time.Now
// InvalidDuration is set on Interval.End to indicate that the end hasn't been
// set yet; i.e. the interval is open.
const InvalidDuration = time.Duration(-1 << 63)
// Interval represents a named time interval. The start and end time of the
// interval are represented as durations from a fixed "zero" time, rather than
// time.Time, for a more compact and faster implementation.
type Interval struct {
Name string
Depth int
Start, End time.Duration
// Timer provides support for tracking a tree of strictly hierarchical time
// intervals. If you need to track overlapping time intervals, simply use
// separate Timers.
// Timer maintains a notion of a current interval, initialized to the root. The
// tree of intervals is constructed by push and pop operations, which add and
// update intervals to the tree, while updating the currently referenced
// interval. Finish should be called to finish all timing.
type Timer struct {
Zero time.Time // Absolute start time of the timer.
Intervals []Interval // List of intervals, in depth-first order.
// The stack holds the path through the interval tree leading to the current
// interval. This makes it easy to determine the current interval, as well as
// pop up to the parent interval. The root is never held in the stack.
stack []int
// NewTimer returns a new Timer, with the root interval set to the given name.
func NewTimer(name string) *Timer {
return &Timer{
Intervals: []Interval{{
Name: name,
End: InvalidDuration,
Zero: nowFunc(),
// Push appends a child with the given name and an open interval to current, and
// updates the current interval to refer to the newly created child.
func (t *Timer) Push(name string) {
depth := len(t.stack)
if depth == 0 {
// Unset the root end time, to handle Push after Finish.
t.Intervals[0].End = InvalidDuration
t.Intervals = append(t.Intervals, Interval{
Name: name,
Depth: depth + 1,
Start: t.Now(),
End: InvalidDuration,
t.stack = append(t.stack, len(t.Intervals)-1)
// Pop closes the current interval, and updates the current interval to refer to
// its parent. Pop does nothing if the current interval is the root.
func (t *Timer) Pop() {
if last := len(t.stack) - 1; last >= 0 {
t.Intervals[t.stack[last]].End = t.Now()
t.stack = t.stack[:last]
// Finish finishes all timing, closing all intervals including the root.
func (t *Timer) Finish() {
end := t.Now()
t.Intervals[0].End = end
for _, index := range t.stack {
t.Intervals[index].End = end
t.stack = t.stack[:0]
// Now returns the time now relative to timer.Zero.
func (t *Timer) Now() time.Duration {
return nowFunc().Sub(t.Zero)
// String returns a formatted string describing the tree of time intervals.
func (t *Timer) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
IntervalPrinter{Zero: t.Zero}.Print(&buf, t.Intervals, t.Now())
return buf.String()
// IntervalPrinter is a pretty-printer for Intervals. Example output:
// 00:00:01.000 root 98.000s 00:01:39.000
// 00:00:01.000 * 9.000s 00:00:10.000
// 00:00:10.000 foo 45.000s 00:00:55.000
// 00:00:10.000 * 5.000s 00:00:15.000
// 00:00:15.000 foo1 22.000s 00:00:37.000
// 00:00:37.000 foo2 18.000s 00:00:55.000
// 00:00:55.000 bar 25.000s 00:01:20.000
// 00:01:20.000 baz 19.000s 00:01:39.000
type IntervalPrinter struct {
// Zero is the absolute start time to use for printing; all interval times are
// computed relative to the zero time. Typically this is set to Timer.Zero to
// print actual timestamps, or time.Time{} to print relative timestamps
// starting at the root.
Zero time.Time
// TimeFormat is passed to time.Format to format the start and end times.
// Defaults to "15:04:05.000" if the value is empty.
TimeFormat string
// Indent is the number of spaces to indent each successive depth in the tree.
// Defaults to 3 spaces if the value is 0; set to a negative value for no
// indent.
Indent int
// MinGap is the minimum duration for gaps to be shown between successive
// entries; only gaps that are larger than this threshold will be shown.
// Defaults to 1 millisecond if the value is 0; set to a negative duration to
// show all gaps.
MinGap time.Duration
// Print writes formatted output to w representing the given intervals. The
// intervals must be in depth-first order; i.e. any slice or subslice of
// intervals produced by Timer are valid.
// The time now is used as the end time for any open intervals, and is
// represented as a duration from the zero time for the intervals;
// e.g. use Timer.Now() for intervals collected by the Timer.
func (p IntervalPrinter) Print(w io.Writer, intervals []Interval, now time.Duration) error {
if len(intervals) == 0 {
return nil
// Set default options for zero fields.
if p.TimeFormat == "" {
p.TimeFormat = "15:04:05.000"
switch {
case p.Indent < 0:
p.Indent = 0
case p.Indent == 0:
p.Indent = 3
switch {
case p.MinGap < 0:
p.MinGap = InvalidDuration
case p.MinGap == 0:
p.MinGap = time.Millisecond
printer := printer{
IntervalPrinter: p,
w: w,
now: now,
intervals: intervals,
return printer.print()
type printer struct {
w io.Writer
now time.Duration
intervals []Interval
stack []int
// Stats collected to help formatting.
nowLabel string
depthMin int
depthRange int
nameWidth int
durWidth int
func (p *printer) print() error {
p.stack = make([]int, 1)
return p.walkIntervals(p.printRow)
func (p *printer) walkIntervals(fn func(name string, start, end time.Duration, depth int) error) error {
stack := p.stack[:1]
stack[0] = 0
prev := Interval{"", p.intervals[0].Depth, 0, 0}
for index, i := range p.intervals {
for i.Depth < prev.Depth && len(stack) > 1 {
// Handle the normal case for gaps based on pops, where we have a full
// subtree. The gap end is based on the end of the parent, which is the
// new previous interval.
parent := p.intervals[stack[len(stack)-2]]
start, end := prev.End, parent.End
if gap := end - start; gap >= p.MinGap {
if err := fn("*", start, end, prev.Depth); err != nil {
return err
stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
prev = parent
switch {
case i.Depth < prev.Depth && len(stack) == 1:
// Handle a corner-case for gaps based on pops, where we have a partial
// subtree. The gap end is based on the start of the current interval,
// and we update the stack to start with the current interval.
start, end := prev.End, i.Start
if gap := end - start; gap >= p.MinGap {
if err := fn("*", start, end, prev.Depth); err != nil {
return err
stack[0] = index
case i.Depth == prev.Depth:
// Handle the regular case for gaps based on pop/push siblings.
start, end := prev.End, i.Start
if gap := end - start; gap >= p.MinGap {
if err := fn("*", start, end, i.Depth); err != nil {
return err
stack[len(stack)-1] = index
case i.Depth > prev.Depth:
// Handle the regular case for gaps based on push children.
start, end := prev.Start, i.Start
if gap := end - start; gap >= p.MinGap {
if err := fn("*", start, end, i.Depth); err != nil {
return err
stack = append(stack, index)
// Visit the current interval.
if err := fn(i.Name, i.Start, i.End, i.Depth); err != nil {
return err
prev = i
// Handle leftover gaps (based on pops), if any exist.
for len(stack) > 1 {
parent := p.intervals[stack[len(stack)-2]]
start, end := prev.End, parent.End
if gap := end - start; gap >= p.MinGap {
if err := fn("*", start, end, prev.Depth); err != nil {
return err
stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
prev = parent
p.stack = stack[:0]
return nil
func (p *printer) printRow(name string, start, end time.Duration, depth int) error {
depth -= p.depthMin
pad := strings.Repeat(" ", p.Indent*depth)
pad2 := strings.Repeat(" ", p.Indent*(p.depthRange-depth))
startStr := p.Zero.Add(start).Format(p.TimeFormat)
endStr, dur := p.nowLabel,
if end != InvalidDuration {
endStr, dur = p.Zero.Add(end).Format(p.TimeFormat), end-start
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(p.w, "%s %-*s %s%*.3fs%s %s\n", startStr, p.nameWidth, pad+name, pad, p.durWidth, float64(dur)/float64(time.Second), pad2, endStr)
return err
func (p *printer) collectStats() {
p.nowLabel = strings.Repeat("-", len(p.TimeFormat)-3) + "now"
depthMin, depthMax := p.intervals[0].Depth, p.intervals[0].Depth
for _, i := range p.intervals[1:] {
if x := i.Depth; x < depthMin {
depthMin = x
if x := i.Depth; x > depthMax {
depthMax = x
p.depthMin = depthMin
p.depthRange = depthMax - depthMin
var durMax time.Duration
p.walkIntervals(func(name string, start, end time.Duration, depth int) error {
if x := len(name) + p.Indent*(depth-p.depthMin); x > p.nameWidth {
p.nameWidth = x
dur := - start
if end != InvalidDuration {
dur = end - start
if dur > durMax {
durMax = dur
return nil
p.durWidth = len(fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", float64(durMax)/float64(time.Second)))