[roll] Roll fuchsia [rbe][rust] Refactor scan-dep command transformer

This fixes a small issue from the previous commit.
If the command does not already contain --emit,
the transformer will now append the replacement
--emit args for producing a depfile.

This was done by pushing some args into a helper class,
and keeping track of when --emit args get replaced.

Original-Bug: 338256510
Original-Reviewed-on: https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com/c/fuchsia/+/1044886
Original-Revision: f6d9a9dd46aba9595628fc87887816a1f8e70602
GitOrigin-RevId: cb237691e30daf2847683973509adbe7be2d603d
Change-Id: Ieb8f72e3e99b51cc45cccaffeddae24af80b5fd1
1 file changed
tree: 2cc758188c3ac05b15a4fcbc5511e528ae8d979a
  1. ctf/
  2. git-hooks/
  3. infra/
  4. third_party/
  5. cts
  6. firmware
  7. flower
  8. jiri.lock
  10. minimal
  11. prebuilts
  12. README.md
  13. stem
  14. test_durations
  15. toolchain


This repository contains Fuchsia's Global Integration manifest files.

Making changes

All changes should be made to the internal version of this repository. Our infrastructure automatically updates this version when the internal one changes.

Currently all changes must be made by a Google employee. Non-Google employees wishing to make a change can ask for assistance via the IRC channel #fuchsia on Freenode.

Obtaining the source

First install Jiri.

Next run:

$ jiri init
$ jiri import minimal https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/integration
$ jiri update

Third party

Third party projects should have their own subdirectory in ./third_party.