[roll] Roll fuchsia [display][coordinator] Do not keep fdf::Arena in EngineDriverClient.

fdf::Arena and fidl::Arena are designed to be for ephemeral use only.
Once a piece of memory is allocated in an Arena, it's never recycled
until the Arena is destroyed.

Thus, the fdf::Arena should never be kept as a member variable in
display coordinator EngineDriverClient, otherwise it will eventually
cause an OOM.

This change replaces the arena_ member variable with local fdf::Arena
created within the FIDL call scope; this is the common practice in
driver code across the Fuchsia repository. Note that each fdf::Arena
creation calls the fdf_arena_create() function, which will allocate a
new Arena on the heap.

Test: "display-tool squares" on core.vim3
Original-Bug: 325474586
Original-Reviewed-on: https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com/c/fuchsia/+/1046639
Original-Revision: 9c385c48c446b20e5f601888366585ab02e2dd19
GitOrigin-RevId: 8893326c92198d95e811a90af58b3fc34537cafc
Change-Id: If7f0902e79b5b4d3fe01372f9b80ee044b188a4f
1 file changed
tree: c314a30e4add6ed62f4953e71d518f349558ac6c
  1. ctf/
  2. git-hooks/
  3. infra/
  4. third_party/
  5. cts
  6. firmware
  7. flower
  8. jiri.lock
  10. minimal
  11. prebuilts
  12. README.md
  13. stem
  14. test_durations
  15. toolchain


This repository contains Fuchsia's Global Integration manifest files.

Making changes

All changes should be made to the internal version of this repository. Our infrastructure automatically updates this version when the internal one changes.

Currently all changes must be made by a Google employee. Non-Google employees wishing to make a change can ask for assistance via the IRC channel #fuchsia on Freenode.

Obtaining the source

First install Jiri.

Next run:

$ jiri init
$ jiri import minimal https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/integration
$ jiri update

Third party

Third party projects should have their own subdirectory in ./third_party.