[roll] Roll fuchsia [driver_runtime] Handle oversized allocations

This makes it so that oversized allocations (larger than the "extra
block" allocation size) don't get treated as fresh space. Instead, they
are added to the extra blocks list and returned, without changing
where the next allocation can go.

 Mean  Median (ns) Test case
 1490      83      Arena/AllocLargeThenSmall/4096bytes.one_large_block
 5087    2250      Arena/AllocLargeThenSmall/4096bytes.fifty_small_blocks
10843    9083      Arena/AllocLargeThenSmall/8192bytes.one_large_block
 2276    2292      Arena/AllocLargeThenSmall/8192bytes.fifty_small_blocks
13263   10750      Arena/AllocLargeThenSmall/16384bytes.one_large_block
 3441    2292      Arena/AllocLargeThenSmall/16384bytes.fifty_small_blocks
13690   11104      Arena/AllocLargeThenSmall/32768bytes.one_large_block
 3299    2292      Arena/AllocLargeThenSmall/32768bytes.fifty_small_blocks
14785   12083      Arena/AllocLargeThenSmall/65536bytes.one_large_block
 3369    2292      Arena/AllocLargeThenSmall/65536bytes.fifty_small_blocks

Original-Bug: b/336852954
Original-Fixed: b/339658302
Original-Reviewed-on: https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com/c/fuchsia/+/1041103
Original-Revision: 96e01a63ad4f3916d1743336392c8d9b9a62694c
GitOrigin-RevId: 91dcc6102898d640fd9b48f9e7ae9f5c1b5a5c64
Change-Id: I50dca4fed52ca2e4084b35089dd778deaa2563e4
1 file changed
tree: 8317b077718959fd673a87f0ed145a7e825c1618
  1. ctf/
  2. git-hooks/
  3. infra/
  4. third_party/
  5. cts
  6. firmware
  7. flower
  8. jiri.lock
  10. minimal
  11. prebuilts
  12. README.md
  13. stem
  14. test_durations
  15. toolchain


This repository contains Fuchsia's Global Integration manifest files.

Making changes

All changes should be made to the internal version of this repository. Our infrastructure automatically updates this version when the internal one changes.

Currently all changes must be made by a Google employee. Non-Google employees wishing to make a change can ask for assistance via the IRC channel #fuchsia on Freenode.

Obtaining the source

First install Jiri.

Next run:

$ jiri init
$ jiri import minimal https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/integration
$ jiri update

Third party

Third party projects should have their own subdirectory in ./third_party.