[clang] Temporarily skip sys_info.zdump.pass.cpp test in libc++

The std/time/time.zone/time.zone.timezone/time.zone.members/sys_info.zdump.pass.cpp
test is flaky in our CI. This seems to be a latent bug in libc++, but
the author has not yet addressed it. In part because nondeterministic
output is hard to reproduce.

This patch works around the flaky test by disabling it until we can
address this upstream.

Bug: 335935188
Change-Id: I085f1fb9bb2c177e5098e9ef3a561284791bad58
Reviewed-on: https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com/c/infra/recipes/+/1037538
Reviewed-by: Petr Hosek <phosek@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Paul Kirth <paulkirth@google.com>
12 files changed
tree: cdb676695a3d1f4a309156a2c7bd305c59be5044
  1. git-hooks/
  2. infra/
  3. manifest/
  4. recipe_modules/
  5. recipe_proto/
  6. recipes/
  7. scripts/
  8. .editorconfig
  9. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  10. .gitignore
  13. OWNERS
  15. pyproject.toml
  16. README.md
  17. recipes.py
  18. shac.ensure
  19. shac.star
  20. shac.textproto
  21. shac_internal.star

Fuchsia Recipes

This repository contains recipes for Fuchsia.

A recipe is a Python script that runs a series of commands, using the recipe engine framework from the LUCI project. We use recipes to automatically check out, build, and test Fuchsia in continuous integration jobs. The commands the recipes use are very similar to the ones you would use as a developer to check out, build, and test Fuchsia in your local environment.

See go/fuchsia-recipe-docs for complete documentation and a guide for getting started with writing recipes.

Getting the code and setting up your environment

For everyday development

The recommended way to get the source code is with jiri. A recipe will not run without vpython and cipd, and using these recommended jiri manifests will ensure that you have these tools.

You can use the fuchsia infra Jiri manifest or the internal version (Googlers-only). Once that manifest is imported in your local jiri manifest, jiri update should download vpython and cipd into <JIRI ROOT>/fuchsia-infra/prebuilt/tools/. If you add that directory to your PATH, you should be good to go.

Quick changes

If you're just trying to make a single small change to in this repository and already have your local environment set up for recipe development (e.g. because you work with another recipes repository) you can simply clone this repository with git:

git clone https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/infra/recipes

Then it will be up to you to ensure that vpython and cipd are available in your PATH.

Code formatting

We format python code using Black, an open-source Python autoformatter. It should be in your PATH if you followed the instructions for setting up your environment.

After committing recipe changes, you can format the files in your commit by running black . in your project root.

Many editors also have a setting to run Black automatically whenever you save a Python file (or on a keyboard shortcut). For VS Code, add the following to your workspace settings.json to make your editor compatible with Black and turn on auto-formatting on save:

    "python.formatting.provider": "black",
    "python.formatting.blackPath": "<absolute path to the black executable>",
    "[python]": {
        "editor.formatOnSave": true,
        "editor.rulers": [88], // Black enforces a line length of 88 characters.