[prebuilt] Include Chromium prebuilt python3

gLinux Python 3.8 is broken and vpython3 and recipes.py don't yet support
Python 3.9, so we need to make sure the vpython3 executable used by
recipes ends up using a non-broken version of Python 3.8. For lack of a
better option, just use the same version that's in depot_tools.

This requires adding a tiny wrapper script around vpython to make sure
it uses the desired version of python rather than what comes first in

Now it will no longer be necessary to prepend depot_tools to $PATH to
get recipes.py to work on gLinux.

This is hopefully just a temporary hack that we can remove once vpython
supports Python 3.9.

Change-Id: I39f1c44d3763585a08c6b00316779d4995783a76
Reviewed-on: https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com/c/infra/prebuilt/+/561209
Reviewed-by: Anthony Fandrianto <atyfto@google.com>
2 files changed
tree: a19e6182ceb9b3c65f8a16eac0b8d8099c6023ef
  1. manifest/
  2. .cipd_version
  3. .cipd_version.digests
  4. .gitignore
  6. cipd.ensure
  7. cipd.py
  11. README.md
  12. update.sh

Infra Prebuilt

This repository contains the labels of a number of prebuilt tools that are used to build work with the Fuchsia infrastructure. The actual tools themselves are located in the Chrome Infra Package Deployer (CIPD).

In most cases, the jiri tool will download the build tools automatically during its update step. To download the tools manually, run update.sh.