blob: 3c54703cc2550e3987f870a461ee075d88df1511 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This proto tries to converge with
// as much as it is sensible to (not much). It has several inherent divergences
// as Swarming has a much wider use case and has a different fundamental model
// for bot state. Swarming has the limitation of not supporting children
// devices: as a single bot is a single execution unit, unlike RBE.
syntax = "proto3";
package swarming.v1;
option go_package = ";apipb";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// APIs.
service BotAPI {
// Events returns events relating to one bot.
rpc Events(BotEventsRequest) returns (BotEventsResponse) {};
// TODO(maruel): Finish implementation.
// Request for BotAPI.Events.
message BotEventsRequest {
// Required. Bot ID to retrieve results from.
string bot_id = 1;
// Optional. Use this field to specify the maximum number of results to be
// returned by the server.
// The server may further constrain the maximum number of results returned in
// a single page. If the page_size is 0, the server will decide the number of
// results to be returned.
int32 page_size = 2;
// Optional. Use this field to request a specific page of the list results,
// following a previous call.
// When specified, page_size, start_time and end_time must match exactly the
// previous call's argument.
string page_token = 3;
// Optional. Earliest time to return bot event. Inclusive.
// If not specified, pagination is done until all events are returned.
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 4;
// Optional. Most recent time to return bot event. Exclusive.
// If not specified, defaults to the current time.
google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 5;
// Response of BotAPI.Events.
message BotEventsResponse {
// Events are in reverse chronological order, most recents first and going
// down to older events.
repeated BotEvent events = 1;
// This field represents the pagination token to retrieve the next page of
// results. If the value is "", it means no further results for the request.
string next_page_token = 2;
// Common messages.
// Represents a mapping of string to a string.
// The same as a map<key, value>, except that the encoding is deterministic.
// If the StringPair is itself repeated inside another message, the list
// must be sorted by key and the keys must be unique.
message StringPair {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
// Represents a mapping of string to a list of strings.
// The same as a map<key, repeated values>, except that the encoding is
// deterministic.
// If the StringListPair is itself repeated inside another message, the list
// must be sorted by key and the keys must be unique.
message StringListPair {
string key = 1;
// All the values for this key. values must be sorted. Human readable.
// This string should make sense to a user in the context of 'key'.
repeated string values = 2;
// Bot description.
// Bot describes a Swarming bot.
// Because a Swarming bot is a single execution unit unlike RBE, it doesn't have
// a concept of owned device at the moment. This may change later.
message Bot {
// Bot ID. It must be unique across the Swarming fleet. Generally based on the
// hostname where the bot runs, but that's not a requirement. Must be
// predefined in bots.cfg.
// This value is also included in dimensions for the key 'id'.
string bot_id = 1;
// Bot session ID. An opaque value.
// There is one bot session ID per bot process ID on the host. When the bot
// self-upgrades, it creates a new bot session ID.
string session_id = 2; // Not used yet.
// Pools that this bot belongs to. Normally assigned via bots.cfg. The
// pools must be defined in pools.cfg.
// Normally a bot shall belong to a single pool, but belonging to multiple
// pool is allowed. This is generally helpful for transitioning bots.
// This value is also included in dimensions for the key 'pool'.
repeated string pools = 3;
// Current bot status. A bot status is a state in which the bot is for a
// certain amount of time.
BotStatusType status = 4;
// Supplemental information to describe the bot status. Human readable.
// See BotStatusType for the meaning of this string for each status.
string status_msg = 5;
// Current task being handled by the bot, if there is one.
// In Swarming, only a single task can be assigned to a bot at any given time.
string current_task_id = 6;
// Bot reported dimensions. dimensions is a {key: [values]} dictionary. This
// can be used to declare the properties of the host or for the DUT (Device
// Under Test) under control. This is used for task selection.
// In RBE, this is called Property. The difference is that RBE's Property is a
// string:string flat dictionary, it doesn't allow repeated values.
// dimensions MUST be sorted by keys, and each values list must be sorted.
// Each dimension key must be unique.
// The values are effectively an OR, a task may match any of the value.
// Human readable.
repeated StringListPair dimensions = 7;
// Bot reported informational state. This can be used to describe the host,
// the bot itself and the DUT (Device Under Test) under control as applicable.
// This is NOT used for task selection.
BotInfo info = 8;
// BotStatusType is one of the states the bot can be in.
// A bot status implies being in this status for a certain amount of time, for
// example a hook running for N seconds, contrary to BotEventType which is about
// an event that doesn't have an inherent duration.
// Some values are more important than others. For example if a bot is now
// MISSING but used to be QUARANTINED, the value is still MISSING.
enum BotStatusType {
// Invalid bot status, do not use.
// Bad states
// The server detected that the bot is not pinging the server anymore. Unlike
// other statuses, this value is set after a timeout.
// Bot.status_msg shall not be set.
// Bot was quarantined by the server.
// Bot.status_msg shall include the server provided rationale.
QUARANTINED_BY_SERVER = 2; // Not used yet.
// Bot self-reported as unhealthy.
// What is currently called as 'quarantined' in the old API.
// Bot.status_msg shall include the bot provided rationale.
// Overhead states, healthy but unproductive
// Bot self-reported as unable to run tasks due to externally induced
// overhead.
// Examples include:
// - The temperature of the DUT (Device Under Test) is too high, and the bot
// is waiting for cool down
// - host is doing self-cleaning work out of the bot's control (puppet is
// running), etc.
// Bot.status_msg shall include the bot provided rationale.
// Bot self-reported as unable to run tasks due to doing internal overhead.
// Examples include:
// - Running hooks
// - Cleaning up or verifying its local cache
// - Bot is starting for a version upgrade
// Bot.status_msg shall disambiguate the type of work item done.
OVERHEAD_BOT_INTERNAL = 5; // Not used yet.
// Bot is down as its host is rebooting and contact was lost.
// If the bot doesn't contact back soon enough, it will be considered MISSING.
// Bot.status_msg shall not be set.
HOST_REBOOTING = 6; // Not used yet.
// Healthy states
// Running a task.
// Bot.status_msg shall not be set.
BUSY = 7;
// Bot is 'reserved' for operations outside of normal operations. This can be
// relevant for SUT (System Under Test).
// Bot.status_msg shall not be set.
RESERVED = 8; // Not used yet.
// Bot is healthy and waiting for tasks.
// Bot.status_msg shall not be set.
IDLE = 9;
// Bot reported informational state. This can be used to describe the host,
// the bot itself and the DUT (Device Under Test) under control as applicable.
// This is NOT used for task selection.
message BotInfo {
// supplemental contains the free form JSON data that includes interesting
// information about the bot that doesn't fit in any of the fields below.
// Anything that is usable by multiple customers should eventually be moved to
// a new field below.
google.protobuf.Struct supplemental = 1;
// Bot's version. An opaque value.
// This value is Swarming instance and configuration dependent. Bot are
// updated through the process described at
string version = 2;
// External IP address as visible by the server.
// This could be a NAT'ing router external IP.
// Can be either IPv4 or IPv6.
string external_ip = 3;
// Authentication identity that the bot identified as. An opaque value.
string authenticated_as = 4;
// State of the content addressed cache on the bot. This is used for inputs
// files.
CASStats cas_stats = 5;
// State of the named caches (used by incremental tasks) on the bot. This is
// used for task that benefits from incrementality, like builds.
// Should be sorted by name.
repeated NamedCacheStats named_caches_stats = 6;
// State of the CIPD packages cache on the bot. This is use for installable,
// versioned packages.
// Should be sorted by package name, then version.
repeated CIPDPackageCacheStats cipd_packages_cache_stats = 7;
// Information about the host.
PhysicalEntity host = 8;
// Information about the devices connected to the host.
// This can be the DUT (Device Under Test) or other peripherals.
repeated PhysicalEntity devices = 9;
// This field is used in BOT_MISSING event to know the timestamp of the last activity.
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_seen_ts = 10;
// The time when the bot became idle.
google.protobuf.Timestamp idle_since_ts = 11;
// PhysicalEntity includes information about an host or device.
// This can be the host where the bot runs, or a device under control of the
// bot.
// If the bot runs inside a docker container, this information is about the
// container, or whatever the bot can observe from its vantage point.
message PhysicalEntity {
// Name that represents this physical entity.
// For a host, it shall be the hostname. For a device, it should be the device
// hostname, if any. Failing that, something that makes sense to the users.
string name = 1;
// supplemental contains the free form JSON data that includes interesting
// information about the device that doesn't fit in any of the fields below.
// Anything that is usable by multiple customers should eventually be moved to
// a new field below.
google.protobuf.Struct supplemental = 2;
// IP address as visible by the bot process (bot_main) itself.
// In the case of the host, it will be one of the IP addresses assigned to it.
// In the case of the host where the bot is running inside docker, it will be
// the IP address assigned to the docker container.
// In the case of a device, it is the IP address of the device, if any.
// Can be either IPv4 or IPv6.
string ip = 3;
// TODO(maruel):
// - Temperature, already included in state for most host and devices
// - disks, already included in state for host, can be added for devices
// - OS version. The OS version is repeated here since the dimension 'os'
// could be about the DUT (device under test) or the host.
// Bot local content addressed cache information.
message CASStats {
int64 number_items = 1;
int64 size = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp oldest_time = 3;
// Bot local named cache information.
message NamedCacheStats {
string name = 1;
int64 size = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_use_time = 3;
// Bot local CIPD package cache information.
message CIPDPackageCacheStats {
string name = 1;
string version = 2;
int64 size = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_use_time = 4;
// BotEventType defines the reason why BotEvent was created.
enum BotEventType {
// Invalid bot event type, do not use.
// Bot specific events that are outside the scope of a task.
// Bot connected and started a new session.
// BotEvent.event_msg shall not be set.
// Currently unused.
// Bot had an hook error to report to the server. This shall send a report to
// the administrator of the instance.
// BotEvent.event_msg shall contain the error message.
// Bot hook logged information. The bot hooks can log locally to the local log
// file, which itself can be streamed out of band. For special notifications
// that are worth notifying the administrator, this event can be used to raise
// these. Due to the cost of doing an RPC just for this, this should be used
// sparingly; vs local logging.
// BotEvent.event_msg shall contain the log entry.
// Bot initiated a host reboot. An example is a bot hook requesting to reboot
// the host after a task failure.
// BotEvent.event_msg shall contain the reason for rebooting the host, if any.
// Bot is shutting down. It may be restarting for an update.
// BotEvent.event_msg shall contain the reason.
// Currently unused.
// Bot is missing. There have been no communication from the bot for longer
// than deadline configured on server side.
// Bot polling results; these are commands sent to the bot to do actions.
// The server instructs the bot to stay idle. This is when there is no task
// pending for this bot. Will only be stored when there are other state
// changes.
// BotEvent.event_msg shall not be set.
// The server instructs the bot to start a task.
// BotEvent.event_msg shall not be set. shall
// contain the task ID.
// The server instructs the bot to restart without self-updating. This is to
// initiate a new bot session, with potentially new bot hooks.
// BotEvent.event_msg can be set to the rationale, if any.
// The server instructs the bot to self-update.
// BotEvent.event_msg shall be set to the version to update to.
// contains the bot's previous version.
// The server instructs the bot to stop its process.
// BotEvent.event_msg shall not be set. shall
// contain the task ID.
// Task lifecycle events as processed by the bot. In these event types,
// shall be set.
// Bot completed a task.
// BotEvent.event_msg shall not be set. shall
// contain the task ID.
// Bot had an internal failure (RAN_INTERNAL_FAILURE) to report to the server
// while processing a task. This shall send a report to the administrator of
// the instance and service author.
// This event shall not be filed in case of a MISSING_INPUTS.
// BotEvent.event_msg shall contain the error message.
// shall contain the task ID.
// Bot is forcibly killing the task.
// This can be induced by a server side request (KILLED, PREEMPTED) or by a
// bot side decision (TIMED_OUT, TIMED_OUT_SILENCE).
// BotEvent.event_msg shall not be set. shall
// contain the task ID.
// BotEvent represents an event on the bot.
// This message is used both in the API and as a BigQuery table description for
// the table 'bot_events' in dataset 'swarming'.
message BotEvent {
google.protobuf.Timestamp event_time = 1;
// Snapshot of the Bot that had this event.
// Eventually we'd want to only snapshot the difference from the previous
// event, but this would make the SQL queries much more complicated.
Bot bot = 2;
// Type of state change (event) that trigger this message.
BotEventType event = 3;
// Supplementation information to describe the bot event. Human readable.
// See BotEventType for the meaning of this string for each status.
string event_msg = 4;
// Task scheduling.
// Defines a Content Addressed Storage (a cache in practice) data tree
// reference, normally a reference to a .isolated file.
// Deprecated: Isoalte server is being migrated to RBE-CAS. Use `CASReference`
// for the digest on RBE-CAS.
// This can be used to refer to either a task's inputs or a task's outputs.
// The .isolated file format is defined at
// It is a JSON file listing all the inputs.
// It is very different RBE's CAS format, which uses a merkel tree of protobuf
// files.
message CASTree {
// server is one of:
// - The isolated server to fetch (or push) content from. Must contain
// "https://" or "http://" prefix.
// - The Google Cloud Project name hosting the RBE CAS.
string server = 1;
// The hex encoded hash of an isolated archive. It is expected to be a SHA-1
// (40 characters) or SHA-256 (64 characters), based on the namespace value
// below.
string digest = 2;
// Namespace on the isolate server. This currently defines the hashing
// algorithm and compression algorithm but is currently loosely defined.
// A prefix "sha256-" defines a SHA-256 hashing. Defaults to SHA-1.
// A suffix "-deflate" or "-gzip" defines a deflate algorithm.
// When referring to a RBE CAS instance, the namespace must be set to
// "sha256-GCP". The GCP RBE CAS requires SHA-256 and doesn't support
// precompressed data.
string namespace = 3;
message Digest {
// This is a [Digest][build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest] of a blob on
// RBE-CAS. See the explanations at the original definition.
string hash = 1;
int64 size_bytes = 2;
message CASReference {
// Full name of RBE-CAS instance. `projects/{project_id}/instances/{instance}`.
// e.g. projects/chromium-swarm/instances/default_instance
string cas_instance = 1;
// CAS Digest consists of hash and size bytes.
Digest digest = 2;
// Defines one CIPD package to install prior to running the task.
// CIPD packages are versioned and ACL'ed packages that are meant for tools that
// are kept for a long time.
message CIPDPackage {
// The template for the CIPD package name that will have its variables
// evaluated, e.g. "infra/tools/authutil/${platform}".
// TODO(vadimsh): Link to documentation of the variable usable.
string package_name = 1;
// Valid package version for the requested package.
string version = 2;
// Path to directory relative to the task's root dir, where the package is to
// be installed.
// If empty, the package will be installed at the root of the mapped
// directory. If file names in the package and in the isolate clash, it will
// cause a failure.
string dest_path = 3;
// Describes a named cache that should be reused on the bot.
// A NamedCacheEntry in a task specifies that the task wants a directory to be
// persisted on the bot across tasks.
// The cache directory is created at <run_dir>/|path|. If the cache was not
// present on the bot prior the task's execution, the directory is empty when
// the task starts. Any change done in the directory by the task is persisted on
// the bot after the task completes.
// If another task runs on the same bot and requests the same named cache, even
// if mapped to a different path, it will get the updated content.
message NamedCacheEntry {
// Unique name of the cache. Required. Length is limited to 4096.
string name = 1;
// Path to directory relative to the task's root dir, where the named cache is
// to be installed.
// A path cannot be shared among multiple caches or CIPD installations.
// A task will fail if a file/dir with the same name already exists.
string dest_path = 2;
// Defines the type of containment to use to put the task primary process
// inside.
// TODO(maruel):
// This is highly OS specific:
// - Lower the integrity level on Windows.
// - Job Object on Windows.
// - Docker on Linux or Windows.
// - cgroup on Linux.
// - Creating a temporary user on Windows and macOS.
// - Lightweight home directory override on Windows, Linux and macOS.
message Containment {
enum ContainmentType {
// Historical value, not specified. Containment may or may not be used.
// No containment, the default for now.
NONE = 1;
// Use the containment appropriate on the platform.
AUTO = 2;
// Use Job Object on Windows. Will fail if used on other platforms.
// Lowers the priority of the task process when started. Doesn't require
// containment. This gives the bot a chance to survive when the task starts an
// overwhelming number of children processes.
bool lower_priority = 1;
// Defines the type of containment used.
ContainmentType containment_type = 2;
// The values below require a form of containment to be enforced.
// Limits the number of concurrent active processes.
int64 limit_processes = 3;
// Limits the total amount of memory allocated by processes.
int64 limit_total_committed_memory = 4;
// The user to run the task.
enum User {
// Unspecified; will default to pool-level defaults.
// Historical value; tasks currently run as the same user that Swarming ran
// as.
// Using the new, unprivileged user to run the task.
// Defines the 'what' to run.
// A serialization of this message is hashed and this hash is what is used for
// task deduping.
// NEXT_ID: 20
message TaskProperties {
// Inputs.
// Isolated inputs to map in the working directory.
// Deprecated: Isolate server is being migrated to RBE-CAS. `cas_input_root`
// will be used to reference to the input root on RBE-CAS.
// Deprecated: the isolated file may optionally specify a command to run.
// Otherwise, 'command' must be specified.
CASTree cas_inputs = 1;
// Digest of the input root on RBE-CAS.
// cas_input_root.digest MUST be digest of [build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Directory].
CASReference cas_input_root = 18;
// Defines the set of CIPD packages to install prior to running the task.
// These packages are meant to be software that is needed (a dependency) by
// the task being run. Unlike isolated files from cas_inputs, the CIPD
// packages do not expire from the server.
// Items must be sorted per the CIPD package name.
repeated CIPDPackage cipd_inputs = 2;
// Specifies named caches to map into the working directory. These caches
// outlive the task, which can then be reused by tasks later used on this bot
// that request the same named cache.
// Items must be sorted per the named cache name.
repeated NamedCacheEntry named_caches = 3;
// Command to run. This has priority over a command specified in the isolated
// files.
repeated string command = 4;
// Relative working directory to start the 'command' in, defaults to the root
// mapped directory or what is provided in the isolated file, if any.
string relative_cwd = 5;
// Extraneous arguments to append to the command specified in the isolated
// file. Can only be used when an isolated file specifies a command.
// Deprecated.
repeated string extra_args = 6;
// Secret bytes to provide to the task. Write only, cannot be retrieved back.
bytes secret_bytes = 7;
// When retrieved back, has_secret_bytes is set to true.
bool has_secret_bytes = 8;
// Environment.
// Dimensions are what is used to determine which bot can run the task.
// The values are effectively an AND, a bot must match all dimensions to be
// selected to run the task.
// Items must be sorted.
repeated StringListPair dimensions = 9;
// Environment variables to set when running the task.
// Items must be sorted.
repeated StringPair env = 10;
// Task root relative paths to prepend to a given environment variable.
// This allows one to safely modify variables like PATH, PYTHONPATH, or other
// PATH-like environment variables. The order of operations is:
// * Turn slashes into native-platform slashes
// * Make the path absolute
// * Prepend it to the current value of the envvar using the os-native list
// separator (`;` on Windows, `:` on POSIX)
// Each key can have multiple paths to prepend. They will be prepended in
// the order seen here.
// For example, if env_paths is:
// [ (key="PATH", values=["foo", "bar"]),
// (key="CUSTOMPATH", values=["custom"]), ]
// The task would see:
// PATH=/path/to/swarming/rundir/foo:/path/to/swarming/rundir/bar:$PATH
// CUSTOMPATH=/path/to/swarming/rundir/custom
// Paths must always be specified here with forward-slashes, and must not
// attempt to escape the task's root (i.e. must not contain `..`).
// This is applied AFTER evaluating `env`.
// Items must be sorted by key, but exceptionally not by values.
repeated StringListPair env_paths = 11;
// Declare what kind of containment shall be used to run the task process
// in.
Containment containment = 12; // Not used yet.
// Timing.
// Maximum number of seconds the task can run before its process is forcibly
// terminated and the task results in TIMED_OUT.
google.protobuf.Duration execution_timeout = 13;
// Maximum number of seconds the task may be silent (no output to stdout nor
// stderr) before it is considered hung and it forcibly terminated early and
// the task results in TIMED_OUT_SILENCE.
google.protobuf.Duration io_timeout = 14;
// Number of second to give the child process after a SIGTERM before sending a
// SIGKILL. See ../../doc/
google.protobuf.Duration grace_period = 15;
// True if the task does not access any service through the network and is
// believed to be certain to produce the same output given the same input. In
// the case of a successful task, previous results will be reused if possible,
// leading to DEDUPED task result for the tasks that could reuse previous
// task's outcome.
bool idempotent = 16;
// Paths in the working directory to archive back and store as
// TaskResult.outputs.
// Items must be sorted.
repeated string outputs = 17;
// User to run the task as.
User user = 19;
// Defines a possible task execution for a task request to be run on the
// Swarming infrastructure.
// When there is more than TaskSlice specified in TaskRequest, the second
// TaskSlice onwards represent possible fallbacks.
message TaskSlice {
// The property of the task to try to run.
// If there is no bot that can serve this properties.dimensions when this task
// slice is enqueued, it is immediately denied. This can trigger if:
// - There is no bot with these dimensions currently known (NO_RESOURCE).
// - Bots that could run this task are either all missing or quarantined.
TaskProperties properties = 1;
// If this task slice is not scheduled after waiting this long, the next one
// will be processed.
google.protobuf.Duration expiration = 2;
// When a task is scheduled and there are currently no bots available to run
// the task, the TaskSlice can either be PENDING, or be denied immediately.
// When denied, the next TaskSlice is enqueued, and if there's no following
// TaskSlice, the task state is set to NO_RESOURCE. This should normally be
// set to False to avoid unnecessary waiting.
bool wait_for_capacity = 3;
// Digest of a serialized form of TaskProperties.
// This is used for DEDUPED and PENDING_DEDUPING when idempotent is true.
// Consider this value as opaque string, only use to check equality.
// It is set even if idempotent is false.
string properties_hash = 4;
// This message is used to create a new task and can be retrieved back, except
// for a few write-only fields.
// A TaskRequest is immutable, it cannot be updated once created.
message TaskRequest {
// Scheduling: what to run, when to run, under which service account.
// List of TaskSlice, along with their scheduling parameters.
// This defines all the various possible task execution for a task request to
// be run on the Swarming infrastructure. They are processed in order, and it
// is guaranteed that at most one of these will be processed.
// At least one must be specified, and a maximum number of 8 can be included.
repeated TaskSlice task_slices = 1;
// Task priority, the lower the more important.
// Valid values are between 1 and 255.
int32 priority = 2;
// Defines what OAuth2 credentials the task uses when calling other services.
// Possible values are:
// - 'none': do not use a task service account at all, this is the default.
// - 'bot': use bot's own account, works only if bots authenticate with
// OAuth2.
// - <some email>: use this specific service account if it is allowed in the
// pool (via 'allowed_service_account' pools.cfg setting) and configured
// in the token server's service_accounts.cfg.
// Note that the service account name is specified outside of task properties,
// and thus it is possible to have two tasks with different service accounts,
// but identical properties hash (so one can be deduped). If this is
// unsuitable use 'idempotent=False' or include a service account name in
// properties separately.
string service_account = 3;
// Task information metadata: doesn't affect what is run.
// When the task was created.
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 4;
// Task name for display purpose.
// Note: this value is not indexed. If you want to be able to query for tasks
// based on names, use tags below.
string name = 5;
// Tags are 'key:value' strings that describes what the task is about (it's
// semantic meaning).
// It is fine to reuse the same 'key' multiple times. It is not fine to use a
// key that is also used as a dimension.
// The tags are indexed, thus can be used for search with exact matches.
// Items must be sorted.
repeated string tags = 6;
// User for this task is run, if relevant. Not validated.
string user = 7;
// Authenticated client that triggered this task.
string authenticated = 13;
// Task realm is used to control who can interact with the task e.g. get,
// cancel etc, and which task service accounts can be used in the realm.
string realm = 14;
// Swarming:ResultDB integration configuration for a task.
ResultDBCfg resultdb = 15;
// Task hierarchy and notifications
// The task request ID.
// The request wasn't "run" so it is the same ID as the summary (ending with
// '0').
string task_id = 8;
// Parent Swarming task summary ID of the process requesting this task.
// This points to the TaskResult.task_id (ending with '0'). Note that an
// idempotent task can be automatically retried by Swarming, which may result
// in two TaskResult with the same task_id but different run_id.
// This field is read-only and derived from parent_run_id. It cannot be
// specified at task creation.
string parent_task_id = 9;
// Parent Swarming task run ID of the process requesting this task.
// This field is set on the children tasks when a Swarming task creates
// children Swarming tasks.
// This points to the TaskResult.run_id (ending with '1', '2' or more).
string parent_run_id = 11;
// Root task id, independent of the depth of recursive tasks.
string root_task_id = 16;
// Root task run id, independent of the depth of recursive tasks.
string root_run_id = 17;
// Send notification to this pubsub topic for updates of this task.
PubSub pubsub_notification = 10;
// Maximum delay between bot pings before the bot is considered dead
// while running a task.
// When a task is running, the bot sends update to the server every
// few seconds. In some cases, like when the system is overloaded,
// the bot may be preempted and delayed in sending its updates.
// After the delay specified here, the server will claim the bot to
// be dead and will forcibly abort the task as BOT_DIED. This is to
// catch system wide issues like a BSOD.
google.protobuf.Duration bot_ping_tolerance = 12;
// PubSub is a Cloud Pub/Sub topic to send task updates to.
// For this to work, the Swarming's AppEngine service account must have
// roles/pubsub.publisher role on the Cloud Pub/Sub topic.
// For a Swarming instance "", the service account to grant
// publisher right is "".
// This is described at
// To grant Swarming instance publisher rights to topic
// projects/PROJ/topics/TOP, use:
// gcloud beta pubsub topics add-iam-policy-binding \
// TOP \
// --project PROJ \
// --member \
// --role roles/pubsub.publisher
// See for more
// information.
message PubSub {
// Full topic name to post task state updates to, e.g.
// "projects/<id>/topics/<id>".
string topic = 1;
// Secret string to put into "auth_token" attribute of PubSub messages.
// This value is write only, it cannot be retrieved back.
string auth_token = 2;
// String to put into "userdata" attribute of PubSub messages.
string userdata = 3;
// TaskResult is the result of a TaskRequest as it is processed by Swarming.
// The TaskResult represents one attempt (run on a bot) and/or the final result
// (summary). When the task never ran (for example EXPIRED), there's one summary
// but no run.
// An idempotent task can be automatically retried by Swarming, which may result
// in two TaskResult with the same task_id but different run_id; two runs, one
// summary.
// A retry is done when a task fails with a retriable error (for example with
// RAN_INTERNAL_FAILURE). For the client's perspective when looking at the
// summary (ID ending with '0'), the task went from PENDING to RUNNING and then
// back to PENDING.
// When stored in BigQuery in table task_result_run and task_results_summary,
// on-going tasks are in the __NULL__ partition since end_time is unset.
// There's a risk of duplicate rows because BigQuery is eventually consistent
// with regards to duplicate rows. Set your filter to ignore the __NULL__
// partition to enforce strong consistency and ignore on-going tasks. See
// for more information.
// NEXT_ID: 23
message TaskResult {
TaskRequest request = 1;
// Timing information.
// Time the task was requested.
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 2;
// Time the task started being run by a bot, before RUNNING_OVERHEAD_SETUP.
// Doing "start_time - create_time" gives the task pending time.
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 3;
// Time when the task was abandoned instead of normal completion.
// This happens for example when a task was KILLED, this then represents the
// time a client requested the task to be killed, which is before end_time.
// Same for TIMED_OUT state, this then represents the time when the bot
// decided to abort the task.
google.protobuf.Timestamp abandon_time = 4;
// Time the task completed and teared down, after RUNNING_OVERHEAD_TEARDOWN.
// Doing "end_time - start_time" will not lead to the exact task duration,
// since this time frame includes overheads.
google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 5;
// Duration of the task. This excludes overheads.
google.protobuf.Duration duration = 6;
// Execution information.
// Current state of the task (e.g. PENDING, RUNNING, COMPLETED, EXPIRED, etc).
TaskState state = 7;
// The category of the current task state. This is primarily useful to
// simplify BigQuery queries. This can be used to determine if a task is done
// or if still considered for execution.
TaskStateCategory state_category = 8;
// The task try number.
// It is 0 for a deduped task, since nothing ran. It is 0 if the task is still
// It is normally 1 for a task that started running and runs a normal flow.
// A number above 1 means that the task was tried multiple times. It can
// be due to a previous try resulting in a task state in the category
int32 try_number = 9;
// Index in the TaskRequest.task_slices (TaskSlice instance) that this result
// represents. This is updated when a TaskSlice is enqueued to run. It can be
// updated until the task state is in either category CATEGORY_EXECUTION_DONE
// The TaskSlice contains a TaskProperties, which defines what is run.
int32 current_task_slice = 10;
// Snapshot of the bot that was assigned to this task at the start of the
// task. This includes bot local cache information.
Bot bot = 11;
// Server versions that touched this task.
// A different version of the server may get the request and hand it to the
// bot. This is primarily useful to detect if a new server version introduced
// a bug and for canarying purpose.
repeated string server_versions = 12;
// Task identity and hierarchy information.
// List of children task IDs that this task triggered, if any.
// This happens only in the case of reentrant tasks, a Swarming task that
// itself triggers more Swarming task. Each of these task will have 'run_id'
// set as their 'TaskRequest.parent_task_id'.
repeated string children_task_ids = 13;
// Task ID which results was reused for state DEDUPED.
// This is the run_id (ending with '1', '2' or more).
string deduped_from = 14;
// Summary task ID (ending with '0') when creating a new task.
string task_id = 15;
// Actual executed task id that this task represents.
// This value is only set if it ran, that is, the task went through one of the
// A task_id can have multiple run_id associated to it, they will have the
// corresponding try_number incremented starting at 1.
string run_id = 16;
// Task metadata for inputs (reproducibility) and performance.
// Listing of the actual pinned CIPDPackages that the task used.
// These can vary from the input packages if the inputs included non-identity
// versions (e.g. a ref like "latest"). This can be available once task setup
// is completed.
CIPDPins cipd_pins = 17;
// Statistics about overhead for an isolated task. This is populated as the
// task goes through setup, execution and teardown.
TaskPerformance performance = 18;
// Task's process result.
// Process exit code if relevant. May be forcibly set to -1 in exceptional
// cases.
sint64 exit_code = 19;
// Isolated outputs, if any.
// Deprecated: `cas_output_root` will be used.
CASTree outputs = 20;
// RBE-CAS output, if any.
CASReference cas_output_root = 21;
// ResultDB related properties for this task.
ResultDBInfo resultdb_info = 22;
// Defines pinned CIPD packages that were installed during the task.
message CIPDPins {
// The CIPD server where the CIPD packages were fetched from. Must contain
// "https://" or "http://" prefix.
// This field or its subfields are optional if default CIPD client is defined
// in the server config.
string server = 1;
// The pinned package + version of the CIPD client that was actually used.
CIPDPackage client_package = 2;
// List of CIPD packages that were installed in the task with fully resolved
// package names and versions.
repeated CIPDPackage packages = 3;
// Information about the task's performance.
message TaskPerformance {
// Total cost of running this task in $USD. In the case of DEDUPED task, this
// represents the amount saved.
float cost_usd = 1;
// Total overhead caused by the bot.
// This is calculated by subtracting the command duration measured in
// from the total duration in task_runner.run_command().
google.protobuf.Duration total_overhead = 5;
// Overhead that is caused by the bot server that is not accounted for by the
// other overheads.
google.protobuf.Duration other_overhead = 2;
// Deprecated: use setup_overhead instead.
// Task environment setup overhead. This is the task state
TaskOverheadStats setup = 3;
// Deprecated: use teardown_overhead instead.
// Task environment teardown overhead. This is the task state
TaskOverheadStats teardown = 4;
// Task environment setup overhead. This is the task state
TaskSetupOverhead setup_overhead = 6;
// Task environment teardown overhead. This is the task state
TaskTeardownOverhead teardown_overhead = 7;
// Overhead information about setup.
message TaskSetupOverhead {
// Duration of this overhead.
google.protobuf.Duration duration = 1;
// Cache trimming overhead.
CacheTrimOverhead cache_trim = 2;
// CIPD packge installation overhead.
CIPDOverhead cipd = 3;
// Named cache install overhead.
NamedCacheOverhead named_cache = 4;
// CAS download overhead.
CASOverhead cas = 5;
// Overhead information about teardown.
message TaskTeardownOverhead {
// Duration of this overhead.
google.protobuf.Duration duration = 1;
// CAS upload overhead.
CASOverhead cas = 2;
// Named cache uninstall overhead.
NamedCacheOverhead named_cache = 3;
// Directory cleanup overhead.
CleanupOverhead cleanup = 4;
// Overhead information about cache trimming.
message CacheTrimOverhead {
google.protobuf.Duration duration = 1;
// Overhead information about CIPD packge installation.
message CIPDOverhead {
// Duration of this overhead.
google.protobuf.Duration duration = 1;
// Overhead information about Named Caches install or uninstall.
message NamedCacheOverhead {
// Duration of this overhead.
google.protobuf.Duration duration = 1;
// Overhead information about CAS download or upload.
message CASOverhead {
// Duration of this overhead.
google.protobuf.Duration duration = 1;
// CAS entries that were not present in the local or remote cache and had to
// be sent across the network.
CASEntriesStats cold = 2;
// CAS entries that were in the cache and thus didn't have to be transferred.
CASEntriesStats hot = 3;
// Overhead information about cleanup step.
message CleanupOverhead {
// Duration of this overhead.
google.protobuf.Duration duration = 1;
// Deprecated: Use TaskSetupOverheadStats or TaskTeardownOverheadStats instead.
// Information about setup or teardown.
message TaskOverheadStats {
// Duration of this overhead.
google.protobuf.Duration duration = 1;
// CAS entries that were not present in the local or remote cache and had to
// be sent across the network.
CASEntriesStats cold = 2;
// CAS entries that were in the cache and thus didn't have to be transferred.
CASEntriesStats hot = 3;
// CIPD information:
// TODO(maruel): Add.
// Named cache information:
// TODO(maruel): Add.
// Statistics for differential CAS entries in the context of I/O for a task.
message CASEntriesStats {
int64 num_items = 1;
int64 total_bytes_items = 2;
// This buffer is compressed as deflate'd delta-encoded varints. This is the
// list of all the item size for an I/O operation, which can scale in the 100k
// range. So this can be large! See //client/utils/ for the code to
// handle these.
bytes items = 6;
// TaskStateCategory represents the 5 different categories of task state.
// For active state categories (RUNNING_MASK and TRANSIENT_DONE_MASK), it is
// possible to go 'back' to PENDING_MASK category; for example, a task has an
// internal error, and the server reenqueues the task for a second try.
enum TaskStateCategory {
// Invalid value.
// Bit mask for the TaskState inside each category.
// The task is enqueued and pending bot availability.
// The task is running.
// Transient done states are uncertain states; something ran but the result
// was inconclusive.
// They can trigger the Swarming internal retry mechanism. In this case, the
// "task try" will have this state, but the task summary will become PENDING.
// In case the task cannot be retried, when idempotent is false, then this
// becomes a final state.
// The task ran, and it is done.
// The task did not run, and won't.
// TaskState represents the different possible states for a Task.
// Each state is in one of the bitmask in TaskStateCategory.
enum TaskState {
// Invalid task state.
// Task states in PENDING_MASK:
// The task is currently pending.
// This means that no bot reaped the task yet. It will stay in this state
// until either a bot reaps the task, or the expiration elapsed or all bots
// become MISSING, leading to a NO_RESOURCE. The task pending expiration is
// specified as TaskSlice.expiration, one per task slice.
// The task may go through multiple pending TaskSlice as they expire or are
// skipped due to NO_RESOURCE (see definition below). In this situation the
// task state still stays in PENDING state as long as there's a chance for a
// bot to reap the task.
PENDING = 0x10;
// The task is currently pending, but another previously scheduled task was
// identified to be deduped against, but the previously scheduled task hasn't
// completed yet.
// In this case, the task may go back into PENDING if the previous identical
// task failed, or immediately into DEDUPED if it succeeded.
PENDING_DEDUPING = 0x11; // Not used yet,
// Task states in RUNNING_MASK:
// The task is currently running.
// For new tasks, this is only the actual tasks runtime. For old tasks, this
RUNNING = 0x20;
// The task is assigned to a bot. The bot is fetching input files and setting
// up the runtime environment.
RUNNING_OVERHEAD_SETUP = 0x21; // Not used yet,
// Task completed and result metadata is available. Outputs and other
// associated logs are still being uploaded and the environment is being
// teared down.
// A client that only needs the exit code may chose to stop waiting for the
// task, as the task will end with COMPLETED, unless there's a failure during
// outputs upload, which would result in INTERNAL_FAILURE.
RUNNING_OVERHEAD_TEARDOWN = 0x22; // Not used yet,
// The task is being forcibly terminated. This can be due to either a kill
// request, preemption or time out.
// See
TERMINATING = 0x23; // Not used yet.
// Task completed, result metadata and task outputs are available. There's
// still some overhead being finished like attaching relevant bot logs to the
// task.
// The client can return right away unless infrastructure issue debugging is
// needed.
COMPLETING = 0x2F; // Not used yet,
// Task states in TRANSIENT_DONE_MASK:
// The task ran but the bot had an internal failure, unrelated to the task
// itself. It can be due to disk or network I/O issues.
// The task ran and completed normally, but returned an exit code that was
// provided in the TaskProperties as signaling an hardware failure of the DUT
// (Device Under Test).
// As such, the task may need to be retried.
DUT_FAILURE = 0x31; // Not used yet,
// The task started but the bot failed to keep the connection to the server
// alive. This can be due to the bot's host crashing, or network connectivity
// issues.
BOT_DISAPPEARED = 0x32; // Not used yet.
// The task ran but was killed by the client or an external scheduler in a way
// that it should still be retried as another task try.
// This can happen via the external scheduler or an API yet to be defined. The
// rationale is to kill slow running low priority task, without disrupting the
// client and simply postponing the task for later.
PREEMPTED = 0x33; // Not used yet.
// All the states below are inactive final states.
// Task states in EXECUTION_DONE_MASK:
// The task ran and completed normally. The task process exit code may be 0 or
// another value.
// This value is also used when the task is deduped against a previous task.
// The task ran for longer than the allowed time in
// TaskProperties.execution_timeout.
// This means the bot forcefully killed the task process as described in the
// graceful termination dance in the documentation.
TIMED_OUT = 0x41;
// The task timed out due to not sending updates to stdout or stderr within
// the period specified in TaskProperties.io_timeout.
// This means the bot forcefully killed the task process as described in the
// graceful termination dance in the documentation.
TIMED_OUT_SILENCE = 0x42; // Not used yet.
// The task ran but was manually killed via the 'cancel' API.
// This means the bot forcefully killed the task process as described in the
// graceful termination dance in the documentation.
KILLED = 0x43;
// The task had specified invalid inputs. This is found out by the bot while
// For example, the cas_inputs or cipd_inputs refers to missing items,
// or the requested containment cannot be achieved.
MISSING_INPUTS = 0x44; // Not used yet.
// Task states in NEVER_RAN_DONE_MASK:
// The task didn't have to run, because a previous task had results. It is
// functionally equivalent to COMPLETED, except that previous results were
// returned as-is.
DEDUPED = 0x50;
// The task is not pending anymore; it never ran due to lack of capacity.
// This means that other higher priority tasks ran instead and that not enough
// bots were available to run this task for TaskSlice.expiration.
EXPIRED = 0x51;
// The task never ran, and was manually cancelled via the 'cancel' API before
// it was reaped.
CANCELED = 0x52;
// The task was never set to PENDING and was immediately refused, as the
// server determined that there is no bot capacity to run this task. This
// happens because no bot exposes a superset of the requested task dimensions.
// There can be a situation where a task goes from PENDING to NO_RESOURCE if
// capacity (bots) is removed.
// Set TaskSlice.wait_for_capacity to True to force the server to keep the
// task slice pending even in this case. Generally speaking, the task will
// eventually switch to EXPIRED, as there's no bot to run it. That said, there
// are situations where it is known that in some not-too-distant future a wild
// bot will appear that will be able to run this task.
// The task was valid but was denied due to a temporary capacity surcharge.
// The user should try again after a delay, or surface the lack of capacity to
// the user.
LOAD_SHED = 0x54; // Not used yet.
// The task is valid but was denied due to insufficient quota.
RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED = 0x55; // Not used yet.
// The task never ran, the server had an internal failure, unrelated to the
// task itself. It can be due to a server bug or network I/O issues.
SKIPPED_INTERNAL_FAILURE = 0x56; // Not used yet.
// The task encounted an error caused by the client. This means that
// rerunning the task with the same parameters will not change the result
// Swarming:ResultDB integration configuration for a task.
// This is a copy of SwarmingRpcsResultDBCfg.
message ResultDBCfg {
// Flag to indicates the integration is enabled.
bool enable = 1;
// ResultDB Related properties.
message ResultDBInfo {
// ResultDB hostname, e.g. ""
string hostname =1;
// Name of the task's ResultDB invocation.
// e.g. "invocations/"
// None if Swarming:ResultDB integration was not enabled for this task.
// If the task was deduplicated, this equals invocation name of the original
// task.
string invocation = 2;