[tree status] Created new FUCHSIA_CONSOLE_HEADER for just the fuchsia/fuchsia repo.

This was done so that other repos are not bound to the same tree closure status.
Also, we removed the dashboard from the cq_group of the other repos.
This CL replaces: https://fuchsia-review.git.corp.google.com/c/infra/config/+/298470

Tracking ticket: https://fuchsia.atlassian.net/browse/INTK-1182
Change-Id: Ie8c3939b6030db43b28a2980732ad064af4cd961
3 files changed
tree: 3eb573fc22db27e33595f8c9cdc5b3705570b982
  1. generated/
  2. lib/
  3. manifest/
  4. repositories/
  5. .gitignore
  6. .style.yapf
  9. main.star
  10. OWNERS
  12. README.md


This repository contains configuration files for infra services.

For the most part, the actual configs consumed by LUCI live under generated/. Those files are generated by executing the .star files at the root of the repository. Don't edit the generated files directly. Instead, edit the Starlark files and execute them to regenerate the generated/ files.

If you've checked out the infra repos using our Jiri manifest, then you should have a git hook that will automatically execute the starlark code and regenerate generated/*.cfg on git commit.

To manually execute the Starlark code, run:

../../fuchsia-infra/prebuilt/tools/lucicfg generate ./main.star

Or if you have lucicfg in your PATH, you can execute the .star files directly:

