
This directory contains code for fetching new changelists from Gerrit and testing them against some CI system (currently Jenkins.)


Build these tools using go build.

These tools depend on the package, which can be met by syncing If you use jiri to sync Fuchsia, this repo will be checked out for you automatically under $WORKDIR/release, where $WORKDIR contains your .jiri_root.

We expect these tool to be built and run automatically on the CI system.

Build example

Given the following directory structure:


These commands would work, and will generate tools in your current directory.

$ export GOPATH=$WORKDIR/infra/go/:$WORKDIR/release/go
$ go build presubmit/query
$ go build presubmit/patch


The presubmit logic is organized into three different tools: query, patch, and report.

  • query checks Gerrit for new CLs and sends them to CI for testing.
  • patch is used by CI to patch the given CLs into its code tree.
  • report is used by the CI test runner to report its findings to Gerrit.


query requires at least one argument: the gerrit host to query. Running query -gerrit will look for new CLs in the Fuchsia repositories and send those refs to a Jenkins instance on localhost for testing.

The job to which those CLs are sent can be configured with the -test argument. The job must expect parameters in the form of REFS and TESTS, which are the CLs to apply and the tests to run, repsectively.

See query -h for more options.


Internally, the CI jobs can use presubmit/patch to take the CLs given and patch its code tree before building and running tests.

See patch -h for more options.


Test results are reported to the user via posting comments on the Gerrit CLs. The authentication code for this process is located in, and the tokens are stored on the CI system via .gitcookies.

Most Fuchsia repos also use a concept of Verified, which enforces that presubmit bots have successfully built and tested a change before it can be submitted. The rights to mark Verified on Gerrit are managed separately from those required for commenting. The presubmit bot's account must have both.

When running report on your workstation, you may find you don't have rights to mark changes as Verified.

See report -h for instructions and options.