blob: bbe541090a1e98697daeef40b5b72d9c28e64a31 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <efi/protocol/loaded-image.h>
#include <efi/protocol/simple-file-system.h>
#include <utils.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void* LoadFile(char16_t* filename, size_t* _sz) {
efi_loaded_image_protocol* loaded;
efi_status r;
void* data = NULL;
size_t pages = 0;
r = OpenProtocol(gImg, &LoadedImageProtocol, (void**)&loaded);
if (r) {
printf("LoadFile: Cannot open LoadedImageProtocol (%s)\n", efi_strerror(r));
goto exit0;
#if 0
printf("Img DeviceHandle='%s'\n", HandleToString(loaded->DeviceHandle));
printf("Img FilePath='%s'\n", DevicePathToStr(loaded->FilePath));
printf("Img Base=%lx Size=%lx\n", loaded->ImageBase, loaded->ImageSize);
efi_simple_file_system_protocol* sfs;
r = OpenProtocol(loaded->DeviceHandle, &SimpleFileSystemProtocol, (void**)&sfs);
if (r) {
printf("LoadFile: Cannot open SimpleFileSystemProtocol (%s)\n", efi_strerror(r));
goto exit1;
efi_file_protocol* root;
r = sfs->OpenVolume(sfs, &root);
if (r) {
printf("LoadFile: Cannot open root volume (%s)\n", efi_strerror(r));
goto exit2;
efi_file_protocol* file;
r = root->Open(root, &file, filename, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, 0);
if (r) {
printf("LoadFile: Cannot open file (%s)\n", efi_strerror(r));
goto exit3;
char buf[512];
size_t sz = sizeof(buf);
efi_file_info* finfo = (void*)buf;
r = file->GetInfo(file, &FileInfoGuid, &sz, finfo);
if (r) {
printf("LoadFile: Cannot get FileInfo (%s)\n", efi_strerror(r));
goto exit3;
pages = (finfo->FileSize + 4095) / 4096;
r = gBS->AllocatePages(AllocateAnyPages, EfiLoaderData, pages, (efi_physical_addr *)&data);
if (r) {
printf("LoadFile: Cannot allocate buffer (%s)\n", efi_strerror(r));
data = NULL;
goto exit4;
sz = finfo->FileSize;
r = file->Read(file, &sz, data);
if (r) {
printf("LoadFile: Error reading file (%s)\n", efi_strerror(r));
gBS->FreePages((efi_physical_addr)data, pages);
data = NULL;
goto exit4;
if (sz != finfo->FileSize) {
printf("LoadFile: Short read\n");
gBS->FreePages((efi_physical_addr)data, pages);
data = NULL;
goto exit4;
*_sz = finfo->FileSize;
CloseProtocol(loaded->DeviceHandle, &SimpleFileSystemProtocol);
CloseProtocol(gImg, &LoadedImageProtocol);
return data;