tree: af626243268a4e8374cebd39ed377e09b47226a5 [path history] [tgz]
  1. config/
  2. driver/
  3. report_result/
  4. run_integration_tests/
  5. server/
  6. test/
  9. run_test

Test Runner

test_runner is a TCP daemon that runs on Fuchsia to accept connections, read test commands and execute them. It provides a way to run tests from the host and get back results.

On Fuchsia, each test is run in a new application environment, which exposes a service that the tests can use to report completion (particularly useful for integration tests).



  • Create a Fuchsia image for testing. For example, run these commands on your host build machine:

    $ fx set x64 --packages peridot/packages/products/test_modular
    $ fx full-build

    The test_modular package makes the following changes compared to the default build image:

    • Disables device_runner and the GUI shell at startup. Runs test_runner instead.
    • Includes the files from the Peridot layer that comprise the tests.

    Note: Before 2018, it was possible to run the Peridot test suite by running test_runner from the standard Fuchsia image. This no longer works because the Peridot tests in /system/test are no longer part of the default image.

  • Boot your Fuchsia image on a QEMU or real device configured with networking. For example, see networking configuration doc. For QEMU, also see the warning below.

QEMU: test_runner doesn't currently work with the default networking setup (TO-292). The workaround is to pass the following flags to QEMU: -device e1000,netdev=net0 -netdev user,id=net0,hostfwd=tcp::8342-:8342 and then run fx exec run_test --server <other arguments>.

Running the tests

The run_test script is run from the host. It automatically searches for a Fuchsia device on the local subnet and uses it. This discovery is performed using ipv6. This process works for both QEMU and for real hardware, but not for the Fuchsia test infrastructure.

The device must already be running test_runner as described above under Prerequisites.

run_test is most commonly used to run a series of tests by supplying a JSON file describing those tests:

$ fx exec garnet/bin/test_runner/run_test --test_file=peridot/tests/modular_tests.json

This will return when the tests have completed, either by succeeding or crashing. You can watch the QEMU console to see any console output written by test. In case of a crash, this console output will also be dumped by run_test.

To run a single test from the test suite in the JSON file:

$ fx exec garnet/bin/test_runner/run_test --test_file=peridot/tests/modular_tests.json --test_name trigger

Note that the --sync parameter for run_test is currently broken because the system image is read-only to prepare for pkgfs.

Selecting between multiple devices

If you have more than one device, you can select a particular device with run_test's --server flag. The device name is displayed on the boot screen, or you can view all connected devices with the netls command, like this:

fx netls

Pass the device name to the run_test tool:

fx exec garnet/bin/test_runner/run_test --server rain-detour-glaze-donut ...

Fuchsia test infrastructure

For the Fuchsia automated test infrastructure, QEMU is configured to transparently route to a known IP address. ipv6 is not supported. run_test supports this environment by allowing you to specify an ipv4 address for the --server parameter. However, there are caveats:

  • loglistener does not work because it requires ipv6. Therefore, no logging data will be captured if a test has errors.
  • The --sync parameter is not supported.

Test Config Description

The JSON file specified by --test_file parameter looks similar to this:

      "exec":"device_runner --ledger_repository_for_testing --device_shell=dummy_device_shell --user_shell=dummy_user_shell"
      "exec":"device_runner --ledger_repository_for_testing --device_shell=dummy_device_shell --user_shell=dev_user_shell --user_shell_args=--root_module=/system/test/modular_tests/parent_module",

The top-level tests field is a list of tests to run, sequentially. Each test is an object with the following fields:

  • name
    • A string field identifying the test. Required.
  • exec
    • A string with the command representing the test to run. This will be run in a new application environment with a TestRunner service, which some part of the test is expected to use to report completion.
  • copy
    • A map field where each key is the name of a directory on the Fuchsia system and each name value of the array is the name of a file on the host to be copied to that directory. The copy field is optional. If absent, the files currently on the device will be used. You must pass the --sync flag to run_test to cause the files to be copied. This does not work with QEMU devices accessed with ipv4.