tree: 64497e821c2d99612057cb965f799ee0513f8cda [path history] [tgz]
  1. bt-cli/
  2. bt-fake-hci/
  3. bt-hci-tool/
  4. bt-intel-tool/
  5. bt-le-central/
  6. bt-pairing-tool/
  7. bt-snoop/
  8. lib/

This directory contains command-line tools for Bluetooth development.


bt-hci-tool uses the host HCI library to send HCI commands directly to a bt-hci device (/dev/class/bt-hci/000 by default)

Currently all bt-hci devices are automatically claimed by the bt-host driver. To use bt-hci-tool, disable the bt-host driver by passing driver.bthost.disable to the kernel command line:

On host machine:

$ fx boot -- -- driver.bthost.disable

On Fuchsia:

$ bt-hci-tool reset
  Sent HCI_Reset (id=1)
  Command Complete - status 0x00 (id=1)
$ bt-hci-tool read-bdaddr
  Sent HCI_Read_BDADDR (id=1)
  Command Complete - status 0x00 (id=1)
  BD_ADDR: 00:1A:7D:DA:71:0A


bt-snoop uses the snoop channel of a specified bt-hci device (/dev/class/bt-hci/000 by default) and writes HCI traffic to a file (stdout by default) supporting both BTSnoop and pcap formats. The captured packets can be visualized using any protocol analyzer that supports BTSnoop or pcap (e.g. Wireshark).

This will monitor /dev/class/bt-hci/000 and output the traffic to stdout:

$ bt-snoop

To initiate a live capture using Wireshark (on host):

$ fx shell bt-snoop --format=pcap | wireshark -k -i -

To specify a custom HCI device and output location (on device):

$ bt-snoop --output=/my/custom/path --device=/dev/class/bt-hci/005

Logs can then be copied from the Fuchsia device and given to any tool that can parse BTSnoop (e.g. Wireshark):

$ fx cp --to-host :/tmp/btsnoop.log ./
$ wireshark ./btsnoop.log


bt-cli is a command-line interface for the Generic Access Profile (using the control FIDL interfaces). This can be used to query available Bluetooth controllers, to perform dual-mode discovery and connection procedures, and to respond to pairing requests.

The bluetooth process does not need to be run directly before using bt-cli, as it will be launched by sysmgr if necessary.

$ bt-cli
bt> list-adapters
        Identifier:     35700c9b-6748-4676-bd2c-1d863fd89210
        Address:        28:C6:3F:2F:D4:14
        Technology:     DualMode
        Local Name:     fuchsia fuchsia-unset-device-name
        Discoverable:   false
        Discovering:    false
        Local UUIDs:    None

Other Tools

This package contains additional tools. Refer to each tool's own README for more information.