Using the debugger

Current status

Currently the debugger isn‘t usable for normal debugging tasks. Symbols are not hooked up and breakpoints don’t work on ARM.

These instructions are currently applicable to people actually working on the debugger.

Running remotely

The debugger does not run on the target system.

1. Compile the client

Any build with Garnet will give the debug_agent which is the target stub you will need. But you will need to compile the client side for your host system manually:

ninja -C out/x64 host_tools

Substitute out/x64 for your build directory as necessary. It should work on Linux and Mac, but is mostly tested on Linux.

2. Boot with networking

Boot the target system with networing support. For QEMU support you may get some prompts for extra steps required:

fx run -N -u scripts/

3. Run the debug agent

On the target system pick a port and run the debug agent:

debug_agent --port=2345

You will also want to note the target's IP address (run ifconfig on the target to see this).

4. Run the client and connect

Using the build directory from above, run the client:


And then connect to the agent using the IP address for the target, and the same port number you used when running the agent:

[zxdb] connect 2345
Connected successfully.

Super quick start

Run a program:

[zxdb] run /path/to/some/program

Attach to a program:

[zxdb] ps
...process tree...

[zxdb] attach 3452

Type “help” for more commands, there is an extensive built-in help system.

Running the tests

There are tests for the debugger that run on the host. These are relavant if you're working on the debugger client.

ninja -C out/x64 host_tests