blob: e507edbd7bbff86fc6812d2b66b28339a8ac9017 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Refer to the accompanying file for detailed API documentation
// (functions, structs and constants).
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <limits>
typedef void* fx_token_t;
const fx_token_t FUCHSIA_AUDIO_DFX_INVALID_TOKEN = nullptr;
std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max() - 1;
const uint16_t FUCHSIA_AUDIO_DFX_CHANNELS_MAX = 256;
typedef struct {
uint16_t num_controls;
uint16_t incoming_channels;
uint16_t outgoing_channels;
} fuchsia_audio_dfx_description;
typedef struct {
float max_val;
float min_val;
float initial_val;
} fuchsia_audio_dfx_control_description;
typedef struct {
uint32_t frame_rate;
uint16_t channels_in;
uint16_t channels_out;
uint32_t signal_latency_frames;
uint32_t suggested_frames_per_buffer;
} fuchsia_audio_dfx_parameters;
// Returns the number of effect types found in the audio_dfx lib. Subsequent
// APIs that require 'effect_id' will expect values in the range of
// [ 0, *num_effects_out - 1 ], inclusive.
__EXPORT bool fuchsia_audio_dfx_get_num_effects(uint32_t* num_effects_out);
// Returns information about this type of effect, including number of controls.
// Subsequent APIs that require 'control_num' will expect values in the range of
// [ 0 , device_fx_desc->num_controls - 1 ], inclusive.
__EXPORT bool fuchsia_audio_dfx_get_info(
uint32_t effect_id, fuchsia_audio_dfx_description* device_fx_desc);
// Returns information about a specific control, on this type of effect.
__EXPORT bool fuchsia_audio_dfx_get_control_info(
uint32_t effect_id, uint16_t control_num,
fuchsia_audio_dfx_control_description* device_fx_control_desc);
// Returns a 64-bit token representing an active device effect instance of type
// ‘effect_id’. In case of failure, FUCHSIA_AUDIO_DFX_INVALID_TOKEN is returned.
// If channels_in == channels_out, the created effect must process in-place.
// As stated in media_types.fidl, currently the maximum supported number of
// channels is eight. Also, the system does not yet handle different channel
// configurations (i.e. it cannot discern between LRCS and quad).
// TODO(mpuryear): Incorporate basic channel configuration (initially via simple
// enum) to the driver, DFX, mixer, renderer and capturer interfaces.
// TODO(mpuryear): Enable the mixer to mix between basic channel configurations.
__EXPORT fx_token_t fuchsia_audio_dfx_create(uint32_t effect_id,
uint32_t frame_rate,
uint16_t channels_in,
uint16_t channels_out);
// Deletes this active effect.
__EXPORT bool fuchsia_audio_dfx_delete(fx_token_t dfx_token);
// Returns the operational parameters for this instance of the device effect.
// These parameters are invariant for the lifetime of this effect, based on
// initial values provided when the client created the effect.
__EXPORT bool fuchsia_audio_dfx_get_parameters(
fx_token_t dfx_token, fuchsia_audio_dfx_parameters* device_fx_params);
// Returns the value of the specified control, on this active effect.
__EXPORT bool fuchsia_audio_dfx_get_control_value(fx_token_t dfx_token,
uint16_t control_num,
float* value_out);
// Sets the value of the specified control, on this active effect.
__EXPORT bool fuchsia_audio_dfx_set_control_value(fx_token_t dfx_token,
uint16_t control_num,
float value);
// Returns this active effect to its initial state and settings.
__EXPORT bool fuchsia_audio_dfx_reset(fx_token_t dfx_token);
// Synchronously process ‘num_frames’ of audio, in-place. The value of
// 'num_frames' cannot exceed frame_rate: it must be <= 1 second of audio.
__EXPORT bool fuchsia_audio_dfx_process_inplace(fx_token_t dfx_token,
uint32_t num_frames,
float* audio_buff_in_out);
// Synchronously process ‘num_frames’ from audio_buff_in to audio_buff_out.
// 'num_frames' cannot exceed frame_rate: it must be <= 1 second of audio.
__EXPORT bool fuchsia_audio_dfx_process(fx_token_t dfx_token,
uint32_t num_frames,
const float* audio_buff_in,
float* audio_buff_out);
// Flushes any cached state, but retains settings, on this active effect.
__EXPORT bool fuchsia_audio_dfx_flush(fx_token_t dfx_token);