blob: e85aeb48a63b5d3890e37aaed7047b6c5a88e44d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/fxl/random/rand.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace fxl {
namespace {
class RandBytesTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<size_t> {};
TEST_P(RandBytesTest, GenerateBytes) {
const size_t array_size = GetParam(); // Test parameter
// The array version of std::make_unique value-initializes so this will be
// filled with zeros, but just to make it clear we assert it too.
auto bytes = std::make_unique<char[]>(array_size);
const char* const bytes_begin = bytes.get();
const char* const bytes_end = bytes.get() + array_size;
auto is_nonzero = [](char v) { return v != 0; };
ASSERT_EQ(std::count_if(bytes_begin, bytes_end, is_nonzero), 0);
RandBytes(bytes.get(), array_size);
// Check that all the bytes do not match. This will catch both the case where
// the array was not filled at all (still all zeros) as well as a generator
// that simply produces a constant non-zero value.
auto ne_first_byte = [&](char v) { return v != bytes[0]; };
ASSERT_GT(std::count_if(bytes_begin, bytes_end, ne_first_byte), 0);
// Minimum byte size here is chosen to minimize the probability of a false
// positive flake (i.e. actually randomly generating an array of all the same
// byte). If the generator was uniformly distributed, an 8 byte array yields a
// probability of a flake only 1 in every 1/(2^8*(1/(2^8))^8) or 2^56 runs.
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(DifferentSizes, RandBytesTest,
::testing::Values(8, 16, 17, 512, 2048, 2049));
TEST(Random, RandUint64) {
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
uint64_t num = RandUint64();
} // namespace
} // namespace fxl