blob: 26459992a843462f3fb9c0b1eee6ac52c8389c4e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/escher/resources/resource.h"
#include "lib/escher/util/enum_cast.h"
#include "lib/escher/util/enum_count.h"
#include "lib/escher/util/hash.h"
#include "lib/escher/util/hash_map.h"
#include "lib/escher/vk/shader_module.h"
namespace escher {
class ResourceRecycler;
class ShaderProgram;
using ShaderProgramPtr = fxl::RefPtr<ShaderProgram>;
// ShaderProgram encapsulates a set of ShaderModules, which are used to generate
// vk::Pipelines. This is done in collaboration with CommandBuffer; different
// pipelines may be required depending on the current CommandBuffer state.
// ShaderProgram listens for changes in the ShaderModules; whenever new SPIR-V
// is available, all existing pipelines are invalidated and will be lazily
// regenerated upon demand.
class ShaderProgram : public Resource, private ShaderModuleListener {
static const ResourceTypeInfo kTypeInfo;
const ResourceTypeInfo& type_info() const override { return kTypeInfo; }
// Graphics program.
static ShaderProgramPtr NewGraphics(
ResourceRecycler* resource_recycler,
std::vector<ShaderModulePtr> shader_modules);
// Compute program.
static ShaderProgramPtr NewCompute(ResourceRecycler* resource_recycler,
ShaderModulePtr shader_module);
~ShaderProgram() override;
// NOTE: The following public methods are called by the CommandBuffer
// implementation, and are not useful to Escher clients.
// Return the pipeline layout common to all pipeline variants of this program.
PipelineLayout* pipeline_layout();
// Return the module corresponding to the specified shader stage, or nullptr
// if the program has no shader for that stage (e.g. many graphics programs
// will not have a geometry shader).
const ShaderModulePtr& GetModuleForStage(ShaderStage stage) const;
// Simple HashMap lookup and insertion.
vk::Pipeline FindPipeline(Hash hash) const;
void StashPipeline(Hash hash, vk::Pipeline pipeline);
// Called by NewGraphics() and NewCompute(), respectively.
ShaderProgram(ResourceRecycler* resource_recycler,
std::vector<ShaderModulePtr> shader_modules);
ShaderProgram(ResourceRecycler* resource_recycler,
ShaderModulePtr shader_module);
void ObtainPipelineLayout();
// Used by OnShaderModuleUpdated() as an easy way to have the ResourceRecycler
// keep the obsolete pipelines alive until safe to destroy them.
explicit ShaderProgram(ResourceManager* owner);
void OnShaderModuleUpdated(ShaderModule* shader_module) override;
std::array<ShaderModulePtr, EnumCount<ShaderStage>()> shader_modules_;
HashMap<Hash, vk::Pipeline> graphics_pipelines_;
vk::Pipeline compute_pipeline_;
PipelineLayoutPtr pipeline_layout_;
// Inline function definitions.
inline PipelineLayout* ShaderProgram::pipeline_layout() {
if (!pipeline_layout_) {
return pipeline_layout_.get();
inline const ShaderModulePtr& ShaderProgram::GetModuleForStage(
ShaderStage stage) const {
FXL_DCHECK(stage != ShaderStage::kEnumCount);
return shader_modules_[EnumCast(stage)];
inline vk::Pipeline ShaderProgram::FindPipeline(Hash hash) const {
auto it = graphics_pipelines_.find(hash);
return it != graphics_pipelines_.end() ? it->second : vk::Pipeline();
inline void ShaderProgram::StashPipeline(Hash hash, vk::Pipeline pipeline) {
graphics_pipelines_[hash] = pipeline;
} // namespace escher