blob: 9b67ebd8fc25c14055c59fc66e8894c8fca24559 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
# This file contains two main functions (install_vulkansdk and install_glslang),
# which are called at the end of the script, as well as a number of helper functions.
# Only Linux x86_64 supported for now.
readonly PLATFORM="linux"
readonly ARCH="x86_64"
if [ "$(uname)" != "Linux" ]; then
exit 0
readonly SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
readonly VULKANSDK_INSTALL_DIR="${SCRIPT_DIR}/../third_party/vulkansdk"
readonly SHA_DIR="${SCRIPT_DIR}/../third_party/SHAs"
SHA="" # This is written to by sha_to_install()
readonly TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/escher-download-vulkan-sdk.XXXXXX)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "ERROR: Escher download-vulkan-sdk: failed to create TEMP_DIR !!"
exit 99
# Called when something goes wrong.
panic () {
echo "ERROR: Escher download-vulkan-sdk: $1"
rm -fr "${TEMP_DIR}"
exit 99
# Download URL to file. Panic if HTTP status != 200.
download_url () {
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
panic "download_url() takes two arguments: the source URL, and destination file."
local HTTP_STATUS=$(curl -w "%{http_code}" --progress-bar -continue-at= --location "$1" --output "$2")
if [ ${HTTP_STATUS} -ne 200 ]; then
panic "download_url() failed with HTTP status ${HTTP_STATUS} when downloading $1"
# Download the resource with the specified bucket-name and SHA,
# to ${TEMP_DIR}/${SHA}. Panic upon failure.
download_from_google_storage () {
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
panic "download_from_google_storage() takes two arguments: the bucket name, and the SHA."
local GS_ROOT=""
local GS_URL="${GS_ROOT}/${1}/${PLATFORM}/${ARCH}/${2}"
download_url "${GS_URL}" "${TEMP_DIR}/${2}"
# Return 0 if the required and installed SHAs match, otherwise return 1 and
# store the required SHA in ${SHA}. Panic if the required SHA is invalid (e.g. file is missing, or
# doesn't contain a Base-64 encoded SHA-256 hash).
sha_to_install () {
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
panic "sha_to_install takes one argument: the name of the file containing the required SHA."
# Obtain and validate the required SHA.
local REQUIRED_SHA_FILE="${SHA_DIR}/required/${1}"
if [ ! -f "${REQUIRED_SHA_FILE}" ]; then
panic "Required SHA file does not exist ${REQUIRED_SHA_FILE}"
local REQUIRED_SHA=$(cat "${REQUIRED_SHA_FILE}" | tr -d '[[:space:]]')
if [ ${#REQUIRED_SHA} != 64 ]; then
panic "Required SHA file does not contain Base-64 encoded SHA-256 (hash: ${REQUIRED_SHA} file: ${REQUIRED_SHA_FILE})"
# Check to see if there is a corresponding SHA already installed.
local INSTALLED_SHA_FILE="${SHA_DIR}/installed/${1}"
if [ -f "${INSTALLED_SHA_FILE}" ]; then
local INSTALLED_SHA=$(cat "${INSTALLED_SHA_FILE}" | tr -d '[[:space:]]')
if [ "${REQUIRED_SHA}" = "${INSTALLED_SHA}" ]; then
# The SHA is already installed.
return 0
# The SHA is not already installed; stash the return value.
return 1
# Copy the required-SHA file to the installed-SHA directory. Panic upon failure.
install_sha () {
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
panic "install_sha() takes one argument: the name of the file containing the required SHA."
mkdir -p "${SHA_DIR}/installed"
cp -f "${SHA_DIR}/required/${1}" "${SHA_DIR}/installed/${1}"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
panic "Failed to copy SHA file after installation: ${1}"
# If necessary, download and install the Vulkan SDK.
install_vulkansdk () {
local -r RESOURCE_NAME=vulkansdk
sha_to_install ${RESOURCE_NAME}
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
# Installed SHA is up-to-date.
return 0;
echo "Escher: Downloading Vulkan SDK from Google Storage."
download_from_google_storage ${RESOURCE_NAME} ${SHA}
echo "Escher: Running Vulkan SDK installer."
cd "${TEMP_DIR}"
chmod a+x "${SHA}"
./"${SHA}" --quiet --noprogress --nox11
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
panic "Vulkan SDK installion failed !!"
echo "Escher: Moving Vulkan SDK to final location."
# The installed VulkanSDK/ folder contains a top-level directory named with the
# version number. This is inconvenient, so get rid of it.
readonly ACTUAL_SDK_DIR=$(dirname $(find VulkanSDK/ -name Getting_Started.html))
if [ ! -d "${ACTUAL_SDK_DIR}" ]; then
panic "Failed to strip version-number directory from VulkanSDK !!"
# Mark this resource as installed.
install_sha ${RESOURCE_NAME}
# Install the Vulkan SDK and binary glslang libraries, if necessary.
rm -fr "${TEMP_DIR}"