blob: 17059de1579c76ff6a05e076333e3b776028c30d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stack>
#include <vector>
#include "lib/escher/geometry/types.h"
namespace escher {
// PaperTransformStack is a helper class to be used along with PaperRenderer
// when rendering hierarchical scenes. It maintains a stack where each item has
// two fields:
// - a 4x4 model-to-world transform matrix
// - a list of model-space clip planes
// When a new transform is pushed on the stack, existing clip planes are
// transformed into the new model-space coordinate system.
class PaperTransformStack final {
struct Item {
mat4 matrix;
std::vector<plane3> clip_planes;
// All of the Push*() methods generate a new Item and push it onto the stack.
// The new Item is generated by applying the specified transform to the Item
// that is currently on top of the stack. The returned Item& is valid until
// it is popped from the stack via Pop().
// NOTE: Variants such as PushTranslation() and PushIdentity() are more
// performant than PushTransform(), because they do something cheaper than
// applying a 4x4 matrix to the matrix/clip-planes on top of the stack.
// NOTE: as long as the returned item is on top of the stack, its clip-planes
// will be affected by calls to AddClipPlanes(). Use PushIdentity() if you
// want to add additional clip-planes in the current coordinate system without
// affecting existing Item& references. For example, this is handy for the
// use-case where a parent has several children, and different sets of
// clip-planes for each child in the parent's coordinate system.
const Item& PushTransform(const mat4& transform);
const Item& PushTranslation(const vec3& translation);
const Item& PushTranslation(const vec2& translation) {
return PushTranslation(vec3(translation, 0));
const Item& PushElevation(float elevation) {
return PushTranslation(vec3(0, 0, elevation));
const Item& PushScale(float scale);
const Item& PushIdentity();
// Add the clip planes to the stack. They are not transformed by the current
// transform, but will be transformed by subsequent transforms that are pushed
// onto the stack. NOTE: stack's size must be > 0 when this is called.
const Item& AddClipPlanes(const plane3* clip_planes, size_t num_clip_planes);
const Item& AddClipPlanes(const std::vector<plane3>& clip_planes) {
return AddClipPlanes(, clip_planes.size());
// There is always a valid Item at the top of the stack. Popping the last
// item clears the clip planes, leaving an identity matrix.
const Item& Top() const {
static const Item kTopItem{.matrix = mat4(1), .clip_planes = {}};
return stack_.empty() ? kTopItem :;
// Pop the top entry from the stack, unless only the default identity matrix
// remains.
PaperTransformStack& Pop();
// Pop entries off the stack until only the specified number remain (zero by
// default). Then, trim trailing clip-planes until only the specified number
// remain (zero by default). In both cases, the specified number must not
// exceed the number of stack-entries/clip-planes that currently exist.
PaperTransformStack& Clear(
std::pair<size_t, size_t> stack_size_and_num_clip_planes = {0, 0});
size_t size() const { return stack_.size(); }
size_t empty() const { return stack_.empty(); }
size_t num_clip_planes() const { return Top().clip_planes.size(); }
std::stack<Item> stack_;
} // namespace escher