blob: fbe9e9272aa687c02c1572bc2207d8b8e8bcef17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include "lib/escher/geometry/types.h"
namespace escher {
class BoundingBox;
// Encapsulate a number of planes that can be used to perform clipping, e.g.
// in the vertex shader. Recall that a plane is defined by the equation:
// Ax + By + Cz + D == 0
// The definition above needs to be extended in order to be used for clipping:
// any point which does not satisfy the equation is not on the plane, but does
// not distinguish between the two sides of the plane. We must introduce this
// distinction in order to clip points that lie on one side of the plane but not
// the other.
// Following, we represent an oriented
// plane as follows:
// - (A,B,C) is a normalized vec3 that encodes the orientation of the plane.
// Any point on the side of the plane indicated by this vector is not clipped
// - D' is the oriented (i.e. possibly negative) distance from the origin to
// the plane along the vector (A,B,C).
// - Then, for any point on the plane, we satisfy the plane equation by setting
// D == -D'
// Therefore we can determine whether a point (x,y,z,1) is clipped by taking the
// dot product with (A,B,C,D); it is clipped if the result is < 0.
struct ClipPlanes {
// Construct a new set of clip planes from the bounding box such that
// everything outside of the box is clipped.
static ClipPlanes FromBox(const BoundingBox& box);
static const size_t kNumPlanes = 6;
std::array<vec4, kNumPlanes> planes;
// Return true if the point is within the negative half-space of any of the
// planes, and false if within the positive half-space of all planes (or
// perhaps directly on one or more plane).
bool ClipsPoint(const vec4& point) const;
bool ClipsPoint(const vec3& point) const {
return ClipsPoint(vec4(point, 1));
// All planes must have a normalized vec3.
bool IsValid();
} // namespace escher